February 16th, 2025

Man sentenced for breaching release conditions

By Shurtz, Delon on April 8, 2020.

Delon Shurtz

lethbridge herald


Refusing to stay away from the city’s supervised consumption site and another downtown business, has landed a 29-year-old man in jail.

Wade Allan Cross Child was sentenced to 30 days in jail after he pleaded guilty Tuesday in Lethbridge provincial court to three charges of breaching release conditions.

Court was told Cross Child had been ordered to stay away from the SCS after he had been arrested early last month and charged with assaulting a security guard. The following day, within about 30 minutes of signing his release order, Cross Child returned to the consumption site.

He was charged and arrested again then released, but police watched him walk right back to the SCS. On his way there Cross Child walked past a downtown business of which he had previously been ordered not to go within 100 metres.

Cross Child returns to court April 20 on charges of aggravated assault, assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon, stemming from the incident at the consumption site in which he is accused of spraying a security guard in the face with a loaded syringe.

Just after 6 a.m. March 3 police responded to a report that a security guard working at the SCS in the 1000 block of 1 Avenue South had been assaulted by a client.

Security approached a man in the waiting area after he began to inject himself, and since drug use is only permitted in the consumption area, the security guard told the man to stop and go into the supervised area. The man became upset and shot the contents of the syringe – blood and narcotics – into the security guard’s face before he was taken into custody.

The accused’s bail on those charges, as well as a previous and unrelated charge of robbery, were revoked Tuesday, but he is expected to apply for bail at his next hearing.

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