March 19th, 2025

Forecast not great for local water levels

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on March 19, 2025.

Herald photo by Al Beeber Water flows past rapids on the Oldman River at Popson Park over boulders that are normally mostly submerged.


Drought is a word that’s spoken regularly in Alberta even in winter and as of late February the province of Alberta had 33 water shortage advisories in effect.

According to the latest available provincial figures the forecasted river volumes for March through September are slightly below 2024 observations.

For the Milk River basin, the province is forecasting a water supply much below average while for the Oldman River basin, the forecast for the period ranges from below average to much below average.

February snowpack surveys showed conditions that were below average or much below average. And while snowpack conditions in the Eastern Slopes are below historical norms, the province says the southern plains from Lethbridge to the Cypress Hills have gotten more precipitation than normal with some areas in the southeastern area of the province experiencing precipitation amounts that are well above normal.

Five of six locations in the Oldman survey area were below the normal range but Akamina Pass 2 was 106 centimetres higher than in 2024. Six sites on average were 30 mm higher than last year at this time, however.

The Oldman River reservoir, according to the latest available figures, is at 55 per cent of capacity – the same figure as last year – while the Waterton Reservoir is at 35 per cent capacity. Capacity at this time last year in the Waterton reservoir was 55 per cent. The St. Mary Reservoir is at 51 per cent capacity. At this time last year, it had only 14 per cent storage.

Keho Lake is at 86 per cent capacity while Lake Mcgregor is at 80 per cent. The Travers Reservoir, meanwhile, is at 76 per cent capacity.

The City of Lethbridge has not implemented any restrictions but is asking residents to voluntary conserve water. A small amount of moisture is expected to fall on Saturday with a 70 per cent chance of less than 1 mm hitting the ground but more could be coming near the end of the month.

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Guy Lethbridge

Here’s an idea , let’s build a coal mine to use up the rest!


great idea! a great upc strategy should include using the open pit mined coal to energise a novel water production centre.

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