May 6th, 2024

NOW MORE THAN EVER you need us and we need you.

We take pride in being the most accurate and reliable source of news and information in our local community, based on the increased calls for subscriptions and huge increases in website traffic we recognize you are counting on us. We have had numerous calls about whether or not we are going to be able to deliver your paper so you can stay informed and educated – the short answer is yes we will continue to deliver your newspaper as scheduled; we are prepared and constantly adjusting to make sure we can deliver what you need.

First and foremost we have a responsibility to our staff and to the community, to ensure their health and safety. We have taken many measures internally to ensure they are able to work safely, one of those steps is to close our building to the public until further notice, many of our staff will be working from home but still available to help. Should you have any concerns we invite you to call the following numbers, staff will be able to answer your call and concerns:

Circulation:                         403-327-5511                    

Editorial:                              403-328-4418

Business Office:                403-380-5286

Advertising:                        403-328-4410

As we navigate through these constantly changing times we want to assure you that we remain dedicated to bringing you the accurate news and information you have come to expect from us. Follow us on twitter or facebook for the immediate breaking reports, read us in print or online for the complete story.

Together we will get through this uncertainty and be stronger than ever.

Brian Hancock, Publisher