March 4th, 2025

Regular Transit routes return Tuesday

By Jensen, Randy on August 1, 2020.

A Lethbridge Transit bus makes its way through downtown along 4 Avenue South in this file photo. Lethbridge Transit will be returning to regular routes and fares on Tuesday. Herald file photo by Tijana Martin

Lethbridge Herald

Lethbridge Transit is reminding residents city buses will be returning to regular routes and fares by Tuesday, but face masks will now be mandatory for all riders.

Residents are encouraged to bring their own face covering with them if possible, but the government of Alberta has supplied the City with disposable, non-medical masks should riders need them.

Lethbridge Transit will provide hand sanitizer on the bus so riders can practise frequent hand hygiene. All Transit vehicles will continue to have extensive cleaning and sanitizing performed regularly to help prevent the transmission of COVID-19, including regular fare box sanitizing. As an additional protective measure, the City has also installed protective shields around all drivers.

Access-A-Ride will also be reinstating regular fares by Tuesday.

To limit public touch points, the use of the Breeze Card for payment is preferred over cash. A list of Transit fees and ticket/pass outlet locations can be found at:

Access to the Transit Building downtown will also continue to be by appointment only. For more information visit or download the MyRide app on your mobile device.

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