March 8th, 2025

Henderson Ice Centre lighting replacement to result in 10 per cent decrease in energy use

By Lethbridge Herald on November 19, 2020.

A new lighting replacement project at Henderson Ice Centre will result in an estimated annual greenhouse gas reduction of 27 tonnes and an estimated annual energy saving of 43,400 kWh Ð marking an approximately 10 per cent decrease in the buildingÕs total electrical energy use, the City of Lethbridge said in a news release.Ê
The recently completed project was supported by the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre’s (MCCAC) Recreation Energy Conservation (REC) program. The provincial MCCAC grant contribution was for $56,454.70 of the $78,311 needed to replace previous lights with LED light fixtures.
The new lights will consume less energy and provide improved lighting levels.
“This project will help the City reach its GHG reduction goals and lower its operating costs,” said Sam Conard, Engineer Planner with the City of Lethbridge, in the release.

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