October 17th, 2024

Christmas Hope campaign assists thousands during holidays

By Herald on January 5, 2021.

Salvation Army's Don Bladen, left, Interfaith Food Bank's Danielle McIntyre, Lethbridge Family Service's Sandra Mintz, Mayor Chris Spearman, Lethbridge Food Bank's Maral Kiani Tari and My City Care's Jen Tribble partnered for the annual Christmas Hope campaign. Herald file photo by Ian Martens @IMartensHerald

Lethbridge Herald
The Christmas Hope campaign assisted 1,360 adults and 4,448 children this holiday season.
The five-agency collaboration between the Lethbridge Food Bank, the Interfaith Food Bank, the Salvation Army, Lethbridge Family Services and the My City Care Shop of Wonders also provided 1,156 households with food hampers and nearly 5,000 children received toys and other gifts.
“Covid-19 came very unexpectedly and brought with it added stress and unpredictability,” said Maral Kiani Tari, executive director of the Lethbridge Food Bank. “This year more than any other, our Christmas Hope agencies needed to ensure that we find ways to support individuals and families who are struggling safely. This was all only possible with the support of our incredible community, who gave generously.”
“Working in partnership seems to be having the best impact, not only for our donors, but for the families we’re here to help,” agreed Danielle McIntyre, executive director with Interfaith Food Bank. “When each agency can focus on what they do best, we are really able to stretch our resources, and we are able to provide a more consistent and festive experience for those we serve.”
Jen Tribble of My City Care Shop of Wonders said all agencies had dug deep to help in this incredibly difficult year, and enjoyed tremendous support for the community.
“We have had an exceptional year serving our local communities across Southern Alberta,” she stated. “We saw a drastic increase in the number of people accessing our programs all across our Shop of Wonders locations. We are grateful for the staff, volunteers and donor’s support, which helped us serve over 30 communities across Southern Alberta.”

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