January 12th, 2025

Reconciling injustices against Indigenous peoples this week’s SACPA topic

By Lethbridge Herald on May 12, 2021.

This week’s Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs online speaker series will feature Don McIntyre discussing how to implement the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s calls to action, and should the truth of Canada’s shameful treatment of Indigenous peoples be told as part of the K-12 school and post-secondary curriculum?
The speaker will also address Canada’s current dilemma of protest and blockades.
McIntyre is an Ojibway of the Wolf Clan from Timiskaming First Nation and an award winning painter and carver, and is currently completing his PhD in Laws looking at legal pluralism and the abilities of Indigenous socio-legal practices to enhance and improve western legal paradigms. He is presently an assistant professor at the University of Lethbridge in the Dhillon School of Business’ Indigenous Governance and Business Management Stream.
To participate in the online session sign in to the YouTube Live link https://youtu.be/WJ2TlIGFEhk Thursday at 10 A.M.
More information is also available at sacpa.ca

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Seth Anthony

Why be so selective when it comes to colonization and conquering? For example, will the teachings include the fact that all throughout history even white societies have been conquered, enslaved, tortured, raped, slaughtered, etc,? Will the teachings include the fact that the North American indigenous people did all those things to each other when conquering other tribes?

Furthermore, why is there a need to inflict shame on innocent kids? (Especially when they played no part in the colonization). Instead, why not simply teach kids the benefits of helping others? You can do that without trying to make them feel guilty and shameful. Oh wait, there’s that tired, proverbial, and weak argument that says, “We have to teach such history, so they don’t repeat it”. Well, that argument doesn’t make sense. For example, do you teach your kids about serial murderers so they don’t become serial murderers? Of course you don’t, because that would be stupid. It also doesn’t make sense because what it actually states is the idiotic notion that you have to shame a child so they don’t become some imaginary bad person.

Kids aren’t born racist, hateful, violent, or ashamed. They have to be taught these negative characteristics by poor parenting and do gooder social justice warriors.

The problem with teaching history, is that inevitably, it becomes biased due to ideological selectivity. This letter and it’s intention is a classic example of that.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony

there is much to consider in seth’s post. however, i see it as important that we address, study, and discuss human behaviour – toward one another, and toward the living planet. it is vitally important that we examine our beliefs/attitudes/perceived realities…but from all perspectives, in order to be able to understand and acknowledge our beliefs/customs/standards/choices/behaviours and such. as seth notes, however, shaming is not an effective nor worthy aspect of real learning. it is, simply put, a shameful practice.

Seth Anthony

Biff said, “shaming is not an effective nor worthy aspect of real learning. it is, simply put, a shameful practice.

…and shaming innocent and impressionable kids is exactly what they want to do. It’s morally repulsive.

Last edited 3 years ago by Seth Anthony