October 17th, 2024

Man charged with multiple offences after being attacked with knife

By Delon Shurtz on November 4, 2021.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDdshurtz@lethbridgeherald.com

Talk about adding insult to injury.
The injury to Tristan Scott Stolk occurred just before 8 p.m. Sept. 25 while he was smoking drugs behind the Henderson Ice Centre on Mayor Magrath Drive South. Two men approached him, and one of the men sprayed him in the face with bear spray and grabbed his bag. The other man slashed him with a knife before both men fled.
Police were notified by a civilian who reported that a man had shown up at the skateboard park nearby, and his arm was cut open to the bone. Stolk was taken to the hospital and treated.
Police returned to the skate park and found weapons belonging to Stolk, including a knife and a baton, as well as sunglasses, a cellphone, and a bike, all of which were seized by police.
The insult occurred after police charged Stolk with possession of stolen property under $5,000, after they discovered the bicycle Stolk claimed was his, was actually stolen.
Stolk, 20, pleaded guilty to the charge Tuesday in Lethbridge provincial court and was sentenced to 15 days in jail. He also pleaded guilty to charges of failing to attend court and breaching probation and was sentenced to an additional 21 days in jail. He was given credit, however, for the equivalent of 15 days spent in pre-trial custody, leaving 21 days to serve.
Stolk, who Lethbridge lawyer Vincent Guinan explained has a “crippling addiction to methamphetamines,” returns to court today to address additional breach charges, as well as charges of resisting a peace officer, carrying a concealed weapon, drug possession for the purpose of trafficking, and possession of stolen property under $5,000.
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pursuit diver

Just one of the examples of the gong show that continues to evolve in this neighbourhood, spilling over from the ‘Sodom and Gomorrah’ motel in the area on Mayor Magrath. The doors should be locked on that abomination and the Alpha House shelter which has turned into the spawning grounds of evil in this city. It has become the SCS on steroids, not so much because of the Mobile OPS site operating outside, but because of management being ‘blind’ to the gang operations, the assaults and one homeless person saying she was raped there with demands to ‘work’ the streets for the two males and others say it is not rare. Peoples clothes being cut while sleeping, personal property stolen and drug use and dealing on the premises, ignoring the mobile consumption site to use right there! They have bound the hands of police, almost as if they are an independent or sovereign nation, with their legal teams.
I am happy we now have a new police Chief willing to work hard to clean up this city as well as past issues of the LPS and a new Council that will listen to citizens and clean up our streets and neighbourhoods.
Will it be next month or in 4 months? Of course not, but I am confident that in 2 years we are going to see big changes, with some becoming evident in the spring when people begin to come back to the city when it warms up, from their communities, to ‘camp out’ on our streets/parks and wreak havoc again. Hopefully some of the new laws will be in place by then!
Many of the people you see creating issues downtown have a place to stay at night, but prefer to be on the street, doing what they do. Some have government provided places to live that are a by the Movie Mill or Legacy areas, but come downtown to ‘hang’ and do what they do!
Just giving them a roof over their heads doesn’t work! They need to be treated for their addictions or incarcerated for their misdeeds, setting deterrents to stop this gong show.
One last thought – – If First Nations communities are allowed to banish these troublemakers from their communities, or make them leave, why cannot we? Does it help Reconciliation watching our streets, neighbourhoods, parks and personal property being pillaged and destroyed with a high cost to taxpayers?

Last edited 2 years ago by pursuit diver

the reply is indicative of a one sick, authoritative personality. somehow, hoss thinks we are in the old west and can run folk out of town that do not fit hoss’s lifestyle.

pursuit diver

Poor Biff ! You think you can come into this city and destroy it’s reputation internationally, encourage addicts to do drugs, increase crime and prostitution, with not concern for the addicts that are dying and showing a complete disrespect for law, for the citizens, for the taxpayer and think you will be allowed to get away with it?
What kind of drugs are you on Biff? People are tired of not being able to enjoy their parks, having their vehicles, businesses and homes broke in to, their kids bikes or their own stolen, finding needles where their kids play, witnessing sexual acts on the streets or someone urinating or taking a dump around their businesses and of course suffering financial loss from their downtown business.
This has nothing to do with the wild west that you want to refer to, but saving a city that has being plundered, pillaged and whose reputation has been tarnished!
It was once a city that people wanted to come back to after visiting to retire, with comments such as a beautiful, clean city.
You want it to sink into the abyss and have most of the tax dollars paying for people to get high, while we feed them, clothe them, house them and pay for their medical bills. EMS responses alone must cost millions per year.
You don’t care, because you think money just falls from the sky! Change is coming and people are going to want an accounting for every penny when all the grants and funds from the feds and provincial governments end due to the high debt caused by COVID.
People have watched BC get destroyed by a failed attempt called ‘harm reduction’ that has cost billions and after 18 years, is a complete failure with thousands of lives lost. But people like you just want to make money from it and have no concern about lives lost!