January 19th, 2025

Uttering threats garners 14-month suspended sentence

By Delon Shurtz - Lethbridge Herald on March 8, 2022.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDdshurtz@lethbridgeherald.com

A 56-year-old Lethbridge man who threatened a woman and spit at her for no apparent reason, has received a 14-month suspended sentence.
Christopher William Hagglund received the sentence Monday in Lethbridge provincial court, where he pleaded guilty to one charge of uttering threats stemming from an incident on Nov. 4 of last year.
A woman who was unknown to Hagglund was walking in an alley in the 500 block of 7 Street South across from the YWCA, when Hagglund approached her and yelled, “I’ll cut out your ovaries, you f—— pig,” Crown Prosecutor Adam Zelmer told court. Hagglund then “spit in her direction three times.”
A security guard who witnessed the incident helped the victim, and noted Hagglund was also carrying what appeared at the time to be a knife, but was actually a pair of pliers.
Zelmer pointed out Hagglund suffers from mental health issues, and recommended a sentence to not only keep the offender away from his victim and the YWCA, but to help him receive mental health supports and resources.
During the suspended sentence and subsequent probation period, Hagglund is prohibited from having any contact with the woman and from going to the YWCA, and he is not to possess any weapons. He must also be assessed and receive counselling and treatment as directed, particularly in relation to issues of mental health.
Duty counsel lawyer Jeremy DeBow noted Hagglund is already seeking of his own volition a mental health assessment, not only for himself, but to provide closure for the victim.
“She indicated a desire to, if need be, attend a trial,” DeBow said. “She was very upset by this incident.”
DeBow said Hagglund accepts full responsibility for his actions and is remorseful. He added Hagglund also admits “he was a little intoxicated that night.”

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