October 17th, 2024

MP Thomas set to vote against Liberal’s economic plan

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on November 23, 2023.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Lethbridge Member of Parliament Rachael Thomas will be voting no-confidence in the Liberal government on its fall economic statement.

The MP said in a statement on Wednesday morning that “the Liberals wrongly believe they can clean up any mess by throwing more money at it. With their announcement of $20 billion in costly new spending, their economic update can be summed up very simply: prices are up, rent is up, debt is up, taxes are up, and time is up!

“Next year, Canadians will spend more money on servicing Mr. Trudeau’s debt than on healthcare. That’s wrong!”

Thomas says the country can’t afford Trudeau’s government, noting that at a town hall meeting she staged there was overwhelming sentiment that life is unaffordable for Canadians.

“People are struggling to pay their rent, buy food, and gas up their vehicles. They are feeling scared and angry,” said Thomas.

“We are living in the worst economy since the Great Depression and it shows. In Lethbridge, food bank visits have doubled, and across the country rent prices have doubled, mortgage payments are up by 150 per-cent, food prices are through the roof, and one in five Canadians are $200 away from being broke.”

Thomas said to help Canadians deal with economic issues a Conservative government would dump the carbon tax, reduce government spending, balance the federal budget and “develop a plan to build homes and not bureaucracy. Sadly, the Liberals would rather continue their damaging spending spree than make positive change for Canadians.”

With Christmas nearing, the MP says not-for-profits including Christmas Hope and Shop of Wonders are expecting an increase in visits by families who can’t afford presents for their kids while food banks also anticipate a higher uptake.

And she added that many local businesses fear they won’t be able to stay open much longer.

“We live in a government-imposed affordability crisis, and these are the real-world costs of government-driven inflation and the fastest rise in interest rates in Canadian monetary history.

“In today’s fall economic statement, the government had the opportunity to put Canadians first and it chose not to. That is why my Conservative colleagues and I will be voting non-confidence in the federal government.

Clearly, only a Conservative government will rein in government spending, empower Canadians with powerful paychecks, build homes, axe the carbon tax, and foster a greater future filled with opportunity.”

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