October 23rd, 2024

Lottery winner facing multiple charges can’t afford lawyer

By Delon Shurtz - Lethbridge Herald on June 27, 2024.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDdshurtz@lethbridgeherald.com

A Lethbridge man who won $100,000 from a Lotto scratch ticket last year, can’t afford a lawyer this year.

Cameron Jordan Hamilton told a judge this week in Lethbridge court of justice he no longer has the money, but Legal Aid won’t help him get a lawyer to assist him on several criminal matters.

Hamilton faces charges of sexual assault, sexual contact with a child, and sexual counsel of a child stemming from 2020, as well as more recent charges of drug possession, resisting a peace officer, possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose, carrying a concealed weapon, assaulting a peace officer, trespassing at night and multiple counts of failure to comply with release conditions.

Hamilton told court he attempted to get a lawyer through Legal Aid Alberta, but because of his financial status last year after winning the lottery, he doesn’t qualify for assistance. He pointed out his financial status has since changed.

“I gave away all my money,” he explained.

The judge, who expressed concern Legal Aid won’t assist Hamilton, suggested he re-apply. Hamilton said he did, but was still rejected.

Hamilton can also submit a Rowbotham application, which enables a judge to appoint a lawyer for an accused person if the person has been denied legal aid, can’t afford a lawyer, faces serious criminal charges, and can’t self-represent because the charges are too complex.

Hamilton won the $100,000 lottery prize last November after he bought a 5 Spot ticket during a break from work. He later stated he was going to use the money to start his own roofing business and put some of it away for his children.

Hamilton’s next court hearing is scheduled for July 6.

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