March 28th, 2025

Brian Hancock’s compassion for his staff will be missed

By Lethbridge Herald on May 28, 2022.

Al Beeber
Lethbridge Herald

Over the decades, I’ve seen a lot of co-workers in the newsroom and other departments leave for different careers, new jobs at other papers or just retire. A few have left for other reasons, as well.

Some I’ve missed because of the friendships we developed or the respect I had for their work; others I’ve forgotten their names.

Those dynamics I’m guessing exist in other work environments, as well. Not everyone is great friends with each other for one reason or another. Not everyone gets to know each other well. I feel fortunate I’ve made a lot of friends in my workplaces over the years in every department and here I feel I have friends from the top floor to the bottom. That takes effort, and it’s an effort I’ve always felt is important in the workplace because we are all part of a team. And teams take a lot of different people in different roles to achieve success.

When I came to The Herald, the environment was a welcoming one, especially among those in the advertising department who from the first day treated me las a friend.

Among the people I met in advertising over the years was Brian Hancock who on Thursday worked his last shift at The Herald. Brian had two go-rounds here at The Herald and in his most recent role, served as publisher as you all know.

Brian and I, over the time we’ve known each other have shared quite a few, laughs, we’ve had some good heart-to-heart conversations about various things and I think we have a lot of respect for each other – and will until I show up on the golf course wearing bright orange Spandex on the same hole as him. Not that I golf well enough to hit the same courses. So that’s a sight he doesn’t have to every worry about. Much. (Hey, I’m always up for a laugh and a challenge.)

Recently, when I began enduring back issues, Brian showed me what kind of employer and human being he was. After I took one day off when my coworkers had to call an ambulance for me here, he insisted I not rush back – so to speak. But I did and ended up in hospital again a few short days later which cost me an entire week off. Earlier this week, after I saw that I think I owe $770 for one of those ambulance rides, he quickly contacted Human Resources to see if coverage paid for it. 

During this time, Brian really went beyond the call of duty for me, making sure I knew my health was important to the company and that I needed to take care of myself first. He texted to see if I was OK and when I got back to work, he came into the newsroom and told me that I needed to do whatever was necessary for me to take care of my back so I could do my job. And stay on the job. 

This type of concern and consideration speaks volumes about the kind of man Brian is; he cared about the welfare and well-being of his staff until the end. That’s the kind of person his next employer is getting and they’re lucky to have him.

And as he ventures out into a new career, I wish him the best in the future and congratulate him on his new beginnings. Now if only Dale Woodard and I could get him off the country music and into a little W.A.S.P. or Anthrax or Bullet Boys.

CONDOLENCES: Last fall I wrote a story on the 100th birthday of retired railroader Dan Rohovie. Sadly, he died recently. I only met him once but he was engaging, witty and had a fantastic memory and a strong handshake. And he also admonished his nephew Dave for drinking cheap wine. It was truly one of the most fun interviews I’ve done in my career and I give my heartfelt condolences to his daugher Dianne and all his other family, friends and CPR brothers and sisters on their loss.

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