March 4th, 2025

Nature centre puts out call for young artists

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on August 3, 2022.

Submitted photo A young artist shows off her artwork in a past year's Inspired by Nature exhibit.


The Helen Schuler Nature Centre is calling on young artists under 18 years of age to contribute to their Inspired by Nature Youth Art Exhibit on display Sept. 19 to Oct. 30, 2022.

“Inspired by Nature Youth Art Exhibit is a fantastic opportunity for the youth in our community to show off their amazing artwork that they were inspired from nature,” said Curtis Goodman, resource development coordinator at Helen Schuler Nature Centre.

He said they are encouraging young people to go outside to find their muse and to create something that they can share with the community, to encourage other people to spend more time outdoors.

“Whether it’s fine art, a music submission, photography, videography or even creative writing. Whatever type of creative expression they come up with, we want to showcase that in the community art gallery and then give the community a chance to see it,” said Goodman.

He said anyone under 18 years old can participate, even as young as toddlers.

“We’ve had a two-year-old submit artwork to the exhibit, they were so proud when they got to see it on the walls, but they weren’t sure why they couldn’t take it with them though,” said Goodman.

He said those interested in taking part are asked to first submit an expression of interest via email so the centre can prepare accordingly.

“Essentially just saying hey this is what we are planning to submit, these are some of the details about the artist and that helps us to plan based on submissions” said Goodman.

He said the deadline to express interest is Sept. 12 even if their pieces are not completed by then, it still gives them the chance to participate before the exhibit takes place.

Goodman said they started offering this type of exhibition in 2016 in partnership with the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East under the banner Get to Know, with the title changing to Inspired by Nature in 2017. He said the Rotary Club of Lethbridge East have been instrumental in the success of the program.

“We had all different types of submissions over the years and we really encourage people to just get outside, find that creative spark and try to capture that to encourage others but to get outside and spend more time,” said Goodman.

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