March 4th, 2025

City police officer honoured for bravery in Ottawa

By Al Beeber on September 23, 2022.

PHOTO COURTESY OF SGT. MATHIEU ST-AMOUR, RIDEAU HALL Constable Marco Pagliericci posed with Governor General Mary Simon after he was presented with the Medal of Bravery in Ottawa recently.


A Lethbridge Police Service officer was in Ottawa two weeks ago being presented with the Medal of Bravery by Governor General Mary Simon.

Constable Marco Joseph Robert Pagliericci is believed to be the first Lethbridge police officer to be given that medal in the force’s 120-year history.

The LPS officer was honoured after an incident on April 8, 2017 when police were dispatched to assist Lethbridge Fire and Emergency services at a mobile home fire in Bridge Villa Estates on the 2300 block of 13 Street North.

Pagliericci and one fire crew were the first to reach the scene and found the home engulfed in flames. Because of wind, fire had already spread to a neighbouring trailer. With firefighters relocating their pumper unit to hook up to a hydrant, Pagliericci found himself alone at the scene for a brief period.

Pagliericci talked to a neighbour and asked if all residents had escaped the two units. The person wasn’t sure about an elderly couple in one because they didn’t answer their door. The officer saw a car parked in the driveway and thought there was a good chance the couple were still inside.

As flames burned the side of the home he started banging on a locked door and windows but got no response.

As he was about to force entry into the home, the door was opened by 89-year-old Betty Lysak who was told by the officer her home was on fire and she needed to leave. He was told her 87-year-old husband suffered from mobility issues and was in a back bedroom.

Pagliericci reached the man and helped him exit their trailer. He then retrieved their vehicle keys and moved it so it wouldn’t be an explosion hazard.

Pagliericci continued to evacuate neighbouring trailers to ensure everyone in the vicinity of the fire was safe.

At the time Pagliericci was 56 years old. He’s a decorated Canadian Forces veteran who had 23 years of previous service before joining the LPS. He also has received other honours including the Gulf and Kuwait Medal, the Canadian Peace Keeper Medal, the NATO/OTAN Medal, the United Nations Cyprus Medal and the Canadian Forces decoration with 22-year bar.

The full list of this year’s recipients can be found online at

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