March 3rd, 2025

Thomas sees ‘incredible opportunity’ for Canada in 2023

By Al Beeber - Lethbridge Herald on December 31, 2022.

Herald photo by Justin Seward MP Rachael Thomas chats with guests at her Christmas Open House earlier this month.


Rachael Thomas believes in the resourcefulness of Canadians and as the year ends the Conservative Member of Parliament for Lethbridge sees reason for optimism and hope in the future.

The year 2022 had many highlights for the MP with the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions which enabled families and friends to gather to celebrate Canada Day and other festivities.

“It was our first opportunity post-pandemic to really start gathering in person. Of course that was a highlight for myself and so many people across the constituency. In the summer, one of the things that was really a lot of fun was Canada Day celebrations at Henderson Lake,” said the MP of the chance to engage with residents in person again.

The MP said it was so much fun going into other communities in the riding to participate in their cultural days and activities.

“I also had the opportunity to host my pancake breakfast which is an annual event. During COVID, it was a drive-through but it was really nice to be able to do it in person again so we were able to meet again, mingle and just enjoy the celebratory nature of the event,” added Thomas.

Thomas also continued her Lethbridge Advisory Board for youth aged 16 to 24 with a new cohort of eight people which was an opportunity for them to learn more about the impact federal decisions have on the constituency.

After meeting virtually the last couple of years, the board was able to meet in person again this year to engage in vibrant conversations, develop relationships and get excited about Canada’s future, said Thomas.

“During COVID, I hosted lots of things virtually including town halls” but in 2022 she was able to do them in person and meet with people “in a much more personable manner,” she said.

Thomas also cited the Community Builder Awards as a highlight of 2022, being able to honour people in the community “who go above and beyond to give back and meaningfully contribute to make Lethbridge great,” she said.

Late in December, Thomas was doing her annual seniors tour to visit residences in the city which is an opportunity for her to connect with people who might find it challenging to attend a town hall or an open house.

“It’s an opportunity to go where they are and just engage with them and wish them a merry Christmas and answer any questions they might have,” said the MP.

Thomas has several matters of concern that the federal government needs to address including fertilizer emissions reductions, the expansion of the medical assisted dying rules and firearms control. She also knows her constituents have serious concerns about the rising cost of living.

“Some of the biggest concerns that I hear from constituents, by far the No. 1 would be affordability,” said Thomas.

She said residents would like to see changes in government funding and fewer taxes.

The vast majority of comments she gets are on the carbon tax, she said.

“I represent a riding that is both rural and urban. Farmers are very concerned about the impact the carbon tax has on them. They’re also really concerned about the fertilizer initiative mandate that has come down from Prime Minister Trudeau, as well.”

“All of these things have an impact on our farm families and their abilities to produce food. What they do is incredible. These are the heroes of our country. They’re literally feeding not only Canadians but they’re feeding the world and at a time when Ukraine is under attack and not able to produce food the way they normally would, now is the time for Canada to be stepping up and not stepping back,” said the MP.

“So for Mr. Trudeau to be going after our farmers right now and penalizing them for simply growing food is just wrong. I hear a lot about this from my constituents,” added the MP.

“Trudeau says he wants to see a reduction target of 30 per cent (of fertilizer emissions) but they have no beginning metric…how is the government going to know that this is making a difference if they’re not going to measure carbon emissions beforehand and carbon emissions after?”

“The sheer fact that the government isn’t taking these measurements tells us this is truly partisan and not scientific. If it was scientific they would want measurements.”

Meaningful actions could be taken that would make a difference, said Thomas, but the government isn’t interested.

For 2023 in her riding, Thomas said “I see so much potential in Canada because I see potential in the individuals who make up this amazing country.”

“I believe they’re the problem solvers, the solution makers, the wealth generators, the innovators that are going to bring us forward. So the less control government has the better, the more control Canadians have the better off they are and ultimately it will give a vibrant Canada.

“We have incredible resources in this country, we have incredible opportunity in this country” and Canadians just need to be freed of red tape, Thomas said.

“They need to be given the opportunity be the entrepreneurs, the innovators, the creators” that she knows Canadians to be, said Thomas.

“When they’re given the freedom to take risks and invest in themselves, I believe they’ll prosper,” said the MP. “Give people back control of their lives. Let them be free.”

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John P Nightingale

Our MP’s mantra continues ad nauseam. As an opposition MP, she is entitled to propose alternative views , but a good parliamentarian offers solutions also. She does not.
Her facts are questionable. Her statement “ So for Mr. Trudeau to be going after our farmers right now and penalizing them for simply growing food is just wrong. I hear a lot about this from my constituents,” needs expanding . Consultations began early last year and it is clear they (the Libs) are keen to implement the “4Rs”, something the industry favours. Instead of constantly moaning , provide some reasonable options and work together. As with our premier, she seeks to divide not unite.
And BTW, this initiative seeks to reduce nitrogen associated emissions not carbon – yet another example of her using convenient “facts” to enhance her totally partisan agenda.
And so the usual bashing of anything contrary to her and some members of her party continues .
Perhaps an acknowledgement of Canada’s international trade achievements, the introduction of Conversion Therapy legislation should be at least recognized.
The Libs are not perfect by any means but constant slandering is of no help , more worthy of kindergarten chitter chatter.
Neglecting to observe the sad state of many countries , including Ukraine as the year draws to a close , is disappointing.


I’m all for recalling her from office.