March 3rd, 2025

The wonders of nature

By Submitted Article on July 18, 2020.

Creation speaks

Second of three parts

Jacob M. Van Zyl

Since the Renaissance, science has made meaningful progress to understand creation better, from the micro- to the macro-cosmos.

The complexity of structure and the intricacy of function of physical reality suggest that it did not develop by chance, but that an intelligent Mastermind planned and made such fantastic things and processes.

No person finding an electronic wristwatch in the Sahara Desert would think it was formed by natural selection. Neither could the brain with its sensory, motoric, and autonomic nerve systems, and all other organs of the body, could have come about by themselves.

The more we discover from the smallest detail to farthest galaxies, the more we should bow in awe before the One who designed and made it (Ps. 121:1, Heb. 11:3).

It is summer again! The trees, lawns and fields are full of leaves. Each leave is a little factory made by the Creator. It utilizes moisture from rain, nutrients from the soil, gases from the air and light from the sun to produce food for plant, animal and mankind.

Jesus fed 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes; he is now feeding over seven billion people daily by multiplying plants and animals from tiny seeds.

God covered 70 per cent of Earth by water. By evaporation and air movement, tons of fresh water are carried by clouds and dropped on land to feed rivers, dams and lakes, enabling food production in the wild and by farming.

Every bite of food we put into our mouths comes from God’s creation. The renowned Jewish thanksgiving honours that: “Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, for bringing forth bread from the earth.”

Most likely, Jesus said this prayer before he handed out the bread and fish. He taught us to pray for our daily bread – it comes from our caring heavenly Father.

Fertilization and development in the womb (or egg, for some species) remains a miraculous process. Although millions of sperm cells swim full out to reach the ovum first, only one fertilizes it. At three weeks, it is called an embryo (Ps. 139:13-16).

The embryo attaches itself to the wall of the womb and grows by cell division. Soon, differentiation of cells takes place: some become bones and others become muscles, nerves, blood vessels and so on. At five weeks, the tiny heart starts beating; at nine weeks, the body, head and limbs of the fetus are clearly visible.

Whether a pregnancy is wanted or not, it remains a miraculous physical process bestowed by the Giver of life. Every newborn baby is a gift from God, and, by his grace, may grow to a unique person, discernable from all other people by face, fingerprints and DNA.

Jacob Van Zyl of Lethbridge is a retired counsellor and the author of several faith-based books.

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