February 28th, 2025

Advance voting double 2017 election so far in Lethbridge

By City of Lethbridge on October 5, 2021.

The first two days of advance voting for the 2021 Municipal Election, held October 1-2 at City Hall, saw 1,255 Lethbridge residents cast their ballots.
Returning Officer Bonnie Hilford says, for comparison, after two days of advance voting during the 2017 Municipal Election, 543 residents had voted.
There are six more Advance Vote opportunities which will occur on the dates below from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.:
·   October 8, 9, 10 – Exhibition Park drive-through
·    October 14, 15, 16 – ATB Centre
The drive-through voting station at Exhibition Park this week, which will allow individuals to vote without leaving their vehicle, is a new initiative designed as an extra precaution in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Signs will be placed directing voters to the entrance near Bully’s (near the SW corner of Ex Park). They will find a greeter booth, then drive to the eligibility booth, followed by a ballot booth, a deciding zone and a ballot turn-in area. Voters can also walk through or bicycle through.
We have introduced a web tool for monitoring lineups/wait time at each voting station during the election, including this week’s drive-through.
On Election Day Monday, October 18, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., eligible voters can vote at any of the 14 voting stations throughout the City.
Rather than having dedicated neighbourhood voting stations, as in previous elections or with the Federal Election, voters will be able to pick the station that works for them. A map of Election Day voting locations is here. All public health orders, as set out by the Provincial Government, will be followed.
Check Lethbridge/ca/election for updates prior to voting.
A comprehensive 16-page mail-out brochure has been mailed out to each home in the city.
Each mayor, councillor and school board trustee candidate was also provided with the opportunity – through a local third-party agency – to record a two-minute information video. They can be viewed on the City’s YouTube channel.
They have already had more than 45,000 views overall. For more content, be sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube page. For more information, please visit the City’s election website at Lethbridge/ca/election.

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