January 29th, 2025

Linda Ellefson: Educator looking to put experience into service as Catholic school board trustee

By Dale Woodard on September 22, 2021.

Linda Ellefson brings an extensive background to the role of school trustee for the Holy Spirit Catholic School Division.
Now, the teacher, administrator and consultant looks to continue that role as a trustee for Separate Ward 2.
“It came with lots of thought, but I thought I still want to serve and I still want to give back. So thats my essential motivation for running,” she said.
Ellefson has served Catholic education in many roles over the years as a teacher, an administrator and a religious education coordinator – all with Holy Spirit.
She has also been a kindergarten to Grade 12 curriculum consultant with the greater St. Albert Catholic Schools and deputy superintendent of schools for St. Thomas Aquinas Roman Catholic Schools out of Leduc.
Ellefson also has two children who attended St. Catherine School in Picture Butte and now has a grandson attending Ecole St. Mary.
“So in all of those roles and those experiences, for me, relationship was always key, just thinking about community, collaboration and having an inclusive presence,” she said. “I would love to be in that situation to bring the many challenges and treasures of the parents, teachers, staff and students to come together and continue to celebrate and clarify our identity as a Catholic school.”
Ellefson noted a time of worry and weariness of late.
“I think that teachers, administrators, support staff, parents and especially the students are to be applauded and celebrated for their perseverance and their dedication and commitment in navigating all of this.”
Ellefson pointed to being present and being supportive of the staff and students and simply listening, dealing with mental health due to COVID and the curriculum as other key factors.
“We need to move forward with truth and reconciliation and what that looks like for us and how we listen and honour the stories,” she said. “All of these things bombard my thoughts and make me excited to really give back to a division that has been very good to me and our family.”

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