March 13th, 2025

LC Communications, Marketing win CASE medals

By Kuhl, Nick on February 5, 2020.

Submitted by Lethbridge College

Lethbridge College’s Communications and Marketing teams were recognized for their outstanding work in 2019, winning four Best of CASE VIII awards, including a gold award for the college’s magazine, Wider Horizons, at a conference last week in Seattle.

“Our Communications and Marketing teams do wonderful work to bring stories from our campus to much wider audiences,” says Paula Burns, Lethbridge College president and CEO. “It’s especially gratifying to see the work of Wider Horizons recognized in a year where the magazine tackled important issues such as the opioid crisis and Indigenous issues. This recognition for the team is well deserved.”

The awards include:

– Gold award for the winter and spring 2019 issues of Wider Horizons in the Print General Interest Magazines, Circulation under 30,000 category. The winter issue focused on the opioid crisis and how it’s changed the working world of Lethbridge College grads, while the spring issue celebrated the stories of inspiring Indigenous women connected to the college. Wider Horizons is overseen by executive editor Sandra Dufrense, edited by Lisa Kozleski and designed by Dana Woodward. It also includes writing by the college’s Communications team and freelance photography by Rob Olson. The magazines also earned an Opportunity and Inclusion endorsement from CASE VIII.

– Silver award for the covers of the winter 2019 issue of Wider Horizons in the “Cover Design” category. In a first for the college, Woodward prepared four different covers using photos taken by Olson for the special issue focused on the opioid crisis. The Wider Horizons team realized the issues this crisis raises are so complex and affect so many people, that there was not just one alumnus whose story provided the whole picture. The covers instead featured nursing, policing and communications grads whose working worlds have changed because of the crisis.

– Silver award for Lethbridge College’s Leadership and Transformation Plan in the Special Purpose Publications category. This 40-page special publication included details of the college’s comprehensive institutional plan and highlighted the ways the college is ready to support students, grow sustainably and continue to foster an inclusive environment that is welcoming to all learners.

– Silver award for the Lethbridge College Report to our Community in the Impact Reports category. This 24-page special publication was designed to inform, educate and inspire readers with stories and photos about the philanthropic happenings at the college.

The Best of CASE VIII Awards included submissions of marketing and communications materials from colleges and universities of all sizes in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Saskatchewan and Yukon and as well as the states of Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington.

This year’s awards bring the total number of CASE VIII awards received by Lethbridge College since 2008 to 18, including four gold, six silver and eight bronze. Previously, the college had received two gold awards for writing and one for the college’s new “Be Ready” brand campaign.

Wider Horizons is published each January, May and September and goes out to more than 26,000 alumni and community members. To read the latest issue, pick up a copy at the racks on campus and around town; add your name to the subscription list; or check it out online.

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