March 11th, 2025

City changes bus boarding & suspends fares in response to COVID-19

By Lethbridge Herald on March 23, 2020.

Herald file photo by Ian Martens - Transit buses arrive at the downtown terminal. The City is suspending fares and changing boarding in response to the COVID-19 outbreak. @IMartensHerald

City of Lethbridge news release:

​As the COVID-19 situation evolves, so is the City’s response to managing Lethbridge Transit as new preventative measures are now in place to limit contact between drivers and riders.

Anyone needing to use Transit is now asked to load at the back of the bus and riders will not be required to pay a fare.  Both of these measures will limit interactions between drivers and the public and promote social distancing. 

“We recognize the need to continue operating Lethbridge Transit as an essential City service,” says Jody Meli, City Manager. “Some of our residents rely on Transit to access necessary services and supplies. “What we want to emphasis to the community is that Transit is there if you absolutely need it and should be limited to essential travel only.”

Anyone with special mobility or accessibility needs will still be allowed to access the bus from the front entrance in order to use the ramp.

For the safety of everyone it is also asked that passengers stay at least two metres away from each other and drivers. Given the lower than usual volume of riders at this time, this should be easy to achieve on all buses. 

The City continues to clean buses daily, wiping down all touched surfaces and continuing with regular disinfectant fogging treatments.

These new measures will be in place until further notice.

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