March 11th, 2025

Liquor and cannabis stores remain open

By Yoos, Cam on March 23, 2020.

Greg Bobinec

Lethbridge Herald

As many businesses in the city temporarily close their doors while they work at reducing the spread of COVID-19, many cannabis and liquor stores are continuing to serve the public until further notice.

Liquor stores such as the Real Canadian Liquor Store have cut their hours of operation to help reduce the amount of traffic in their stores, along with improving their cleaning methods to reduce contamination. From 10-11 a.m. each day, Real Canadian Liquor Store is also offering a senior and disability shopping hour to allow them a quieter and safer hour to shop and get their supplies.

“It’s been a little bit busy, I am surprised most people aren’t loading up as much as I thought they would be, but they are keeping their distances from other people in the liquor store,” says Cristin Schmidt, Manager of Real Canadian Liquor Store.

“We have sanitization going on throughout the store, we are constantly wiping down our debit machines, tills, doors, baskets and carts, we have the five-foot rule in place and we are using every other till.”

Although coughing is a common symptom of smoking cannabis and may cause minor paranoia while shopping right now, cannabis stores are remaining open as well, some with reduced hours, as people stock up on their resources. Twenty Four Karat Cannabis says they are taking the steps to ensure their customers and staff are kept safe and clean, while continuing to provide service to the community.

“Based on current guidance and our own standards and practices, we remain open for business and are committed to providing an outstanding experience. We will keep you informed, should anything change,” says Eddie Pan of Twenty Four Karats Cannabis. “We understand that the current health environment is concerning for many, and we extend our deepest sympathies to all of those who have been affected. Our employees are following health authority advice to stay home if they’re feeling unwell.”

Liquor and cannabis stores in Alberta are under the ruling and guidance of Alberta Gaming and Liquor & Cannabis Commission (AGLC), and are all owned by private or corporate investors. Until Alberta Health Services, the government, or AGLC decide to close the facilities for public safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, the investors have the option to remain open for service or close.

The public is reminded to limit their time out in the community and in stores. If you are experiencing the symptoms of COVID-19, do not go out, and call Alberta Health Link at 811.

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