March 12th, 2025

City issues essential services update

By Jensen, Randy on March 26, 2020.


During the COVID-19 crisis, the City of Lethbridge is continuing to provide essential services to residents.

Following is the latest updates related to COVID-19 issued by the City:

Access-A-Ride screening

Access-A-Ride booking agents and operators have implemented screening questions before scheduling any pick ups. Clients calling to book an Access-A-Ride trip will be asked health and travel-related questions to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers and prevent the transmission of COVID-19. Both Access-a-Ride and conventional transit should only be used for essential travel.

Transit lost and found reduced hours

On Monday, the Lethbridge Transit lost and found, located in the Red Arrow office at the Downtown Park ‘n’ Ride facility, will reduce its hours. The lost and found will only be open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday to Friday. This change is due to the suspension of Red Arrow service and their reduction in office hours.

Waste and Recycling Centre

The Waste and Recycling Centre (landfill) remains open but residents are asked to only visit the site if absolutely necessary. If you must come to the Waste and Recycling Centre, remember to practise the appropriate physical distancing, leaving at least two metres between yourself and others. Anyone with flu-like symptoms or who has travelled outside of Canada in the last 14 days should be self-isolating at home.

The path less travelled

With the focus today on creating more physical distance between others while enjoying the outdoors, residents are encouraged to explore less travelled paths. With over 177 kilometres of paved pathways and approximately 57 km of natural or gravel trails, there is lots of room for everyone. Check out our City pathways or download the Lethbridge Parks App and find a new adventure.

Getting creative

If you have some extra time on your hands, it might be a good time to get creative. The call for artists for Utility Box Wrapping has been extended due to the ongoing response to COVID-19 in our community.

The new submission date for project proposals is April 30. All submissions received to date will still be considered. Additional submissions, from artists who have already submitted and who would like to take advantage of the deadline extension, will also be considered. More information is available at For general inquiries contact 311.

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