March 12th, 2025

Easter services go digital

By Sulz, Dave on April 8, 2020.

McKillop hosting virtual events


With social distancing measures preventing the usual Easter events at McKillop United Church, the church is going digital to celebrate the season.

Holy Week and Easter events at McKillop will begin Thursday with pastor Trevor Potter leading a virtual 7 p.m. communion service to celebrate Maundy Thursday, via Zoom. Participants are asked to have a candle, some bread and communion beverage (grape juice, orange juice or wine) available. Login at (this link can work on a desktop computer, tablet/iPad or smartphone).

The landline phone number is +1-587-328-1099 and you will need to input the meeting ID: 943 160 600.

A virtual Good Friday worship service will be held Friday at 10:30 a.m., hosted at the church’s following two sites:

mckillopunited and


The service will be recorded and shared later for those who can’t tune in live.

An Easter virtual worship service will take place Sunday at 10 a.m. at the above sites, and can also be viewed later.

The public is invited to stay tuned after the service to join others for virtual coffee through Zoom. There can even be small coffee groups to visit. Just follow the links to connect:

Login Information: (link can work on a desktop computer, tablet/iPad or smartphone.)

Landline phone number: +1-587-328-1099 and you will need to input the meeting ID: 438 638 318.

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