March 10th, 2025

Target Hunger preps for food drive

By Yoos, Cam on April 27, 2020.

Herald file photo by Ian Martens - Volunteer Gerard Bloemert adds items to a hamper for a client pick up at the Interfaith Food Bank. @IMartensHerald

Greg Bobinec

Lethbridge Herald

Target Hunger is an annual food drive done every June where volunteers pick up donations from each household in town, requesting residents to donate the most wanted food items for local food banks.

This year, Target Hunger is implementing changes in the food drive to reduce single-plastic use, as they will be phasing out the yellow bags. Volunteers are now only required to pick up donations from their route. There are a limited number of bags designated for volunteers interested in dropping off bags to their route prior to the pickup date.

Community members are encouraged to collect food donations in a bag or box, mark them with a ‘TH’, and leave their donations on their doorstep for pickup on the morning of Saturday, June 13. Donations must be outside by 10 a.m. as volunteers will attempt to pick them up before noon.

At this time, Target Hunger is considered a safe fundraising event. In light of the pandemic situation, Target Hunger 2020 still plans to move forward and they appreciate the ongoing community support. Organizers will continue to keep volunteers informed and updated with health and safety measures relating to COVID-19, and will comply with all health measures and social distancing recommended by Alberta Health Services to ensure a safe event for all participants.

Food Banks from around Lethbridge are encouraging every organization and community member to participate in Target Hunger on June 13, to try and raise 100,000 pounds of food. Last year, the community was able to raise 42,000 pounds, and if they are able to double last year’s efforts, they will be able to beat this year’s goal.

For more information on how to get involved with Target Hunger, contact either local food bank or go to Online registration for volunteers is available until May 1.

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