March 10th, 2025

City prepares for next phase of COVID-19 response

By Lethbridge Herald on May 1, 2020.

Herald photo by Ian Martens - Mayor Chris Spearman speaks during a media update Friday at city hall. @IMartensHerald

City of Lethbridge release:

Yesterday, the provincial government announced their staged COVID-19 recovery plan. The City of Lethbridge is now exploring this plan to understand what it means for municipalities and the services delivered to residents. 

As more details are shared and clarity is provided on this re-entry plan, the impacts related to City of Lethbridge programs and services will be shared with the public.

At this time, any closures that have previously been announced remain in place until further notice. The provincial public health orders regarding social distancing and mass gatherings are also still in effect.

The community is reminded of these previously planned City service changes as well as opportunities to help and provide feedback during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Yard Waste Sites & Waste and Recycling Centre
Starting Monday, May 4, the City’s three yard waste sites will re-open along with access to the Waste and Recycling Centre (landfill).

There will be restrictions in place to ensure social distancing and to prevent mass gatherings. This may include turning residents away if lines get too long to safely manage. Please only use the sites if needed. If the site is busy, consider waiting a few days for lines to die down or visit one of the other locations to help lessen the volume of people coming at one time.

For more information on the regulations in place to protect the health and safety of residents and staff at the yard waste sites, please visit

Street Sweeping
This year’s street sweeping program is now underway but it looks different than years past. Residents are now asked to sign up for electronic notifications for when street sweepers will be in their neighbourhood. Visit to sign up for text, email or automated phone call reminders.

Sweepers will work around vehicles parked on the street but they will not return to your area.

Resident survey on impacts of COVID-19
The City of Lethbridge wants to know how COVID19 has impacted households across the city in order to better serve the community moving forward. Thank you to the over 1200 residents who have already completed our survey. 

If you haven’t yet provided your feedback, the survey is available until Wednesday, May 6 at

Volunteers Needed
Due to COVID-19 there is a need for volunteers across the city for jobs like delivering wellness-check postcards to residents, sorting goods for not-for-profits who provide for our vulnerable population and helping to organize programs like Target Hunger who provide for our local food banks.

Residents who are able to give back to their community are encouraged to sign up for these opportunities through Volunteer Lethbridge at

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