January 8th, 2025

Virtual movement part of MS Awareness Month

By Jensen, Randy on May 1, 2020.

Kevin Forsyth

For The Herald

The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada will host a virtual movement in May as part of MS Awareness Month. The organization will launch #WeChallengeMS to encourage Canadians to turn hobbies such as baking, running or cycling, into fundraising opportunities to support Canadians suffering from the disease during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is a difficult time for all Canadians and for Canadians living with MS, these are especially challenging times as the global pandemic adds an additional stress to an at-risk population,” said Pamela Valentine, president and CEO of the MS Society of Canada.

Throughout the month, communities across the country will connect virtually to rally with the tens of thousands of Canadians affected by the disease, according to a release by the MS Society of Canada.

“As we navigate this new reality, it’s important to continue to come together as a community and support one another. Achieving a world free of MS will take all of us and every action taken by each caring Canadian brings us closer,” said Valentine.

Communities across Canada will also meet at a nationwide virtual MS Walk on May 24.

The global campaign for this year’s awareness month, >MS Connections, focuses on building communities and connections.

The funds raised by participants will go towards MS research. For more information on #WeChallengeMS and how to participate, visit wechallenegMS.ca.

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