March 10th, 2025

City announces additional temporary workforce reductions

By Lethbridge Herald on May 4, 2020.

City of Lethbridge release

As the global pandemic continues, temporary workforce reductions of an additional 30 employees will take place in May.  The reductions are primarily related to the delivery of recreation and cultural services as many City of Lethbridge buildings remain closed.

The provincial government recently announced a re-launch strategy and plan, but opening dates for facilities such arenas, pools and the ENMAX Centre remain uncertain at this time.  Additionally, once the City of Lethbridge is given approval to reopen additional facilities, time for reprogramming and preparing these facilities to meet public health orders will be necessary before a full workforce is required again.

“As we continue in these unprecedented times, we are having to make some extremely difficult decisions in regards to temporarily reducing our workforce,” says City Manager Jody Meli. “I can’t thank all those involved enough for their professionalism and understanding.  As soon as we are able to open our facilities and get our services back on track, we intend on bringing our employees back to work.”

The reduction of an additional 30 employees brings the total number of temporary workforce reductions to 301 for the City of Lethbridge.  As provincial guidelines change, the City of Lethbridge will adapt as necessary.

More information about COVID-19 and how City services are impacted can be found at

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