March 10th, 2025

Music video a message of hope

By Jensen, Randy on May 14, 2020.

Brad Bogdan Media
Health-care workers are seen in this frame from a music video ÒHold on TogetherÓ performed by local artists Mandy Hubbard and James Oldenburg.

Greg Bobinec

Lethbridge Herald

A local recording artist has collaborated with other creators to bring a song of inspiration to Lethbridge during this time of COVID-19 pandemic isolation.

Mandy Hubbard discovered a song that spoke to her about her experiences during the pandemic and felt the community needed an uplifting song and video to help push them through. With some local connections to video producers and other musicians, they were able to make the “Hold on Together” music video.

“I came across the song about four weeks ago and just thought the words could resonate with what everybody was going through and I thought it would be nice to get it out there and have it be an uplifting song to remember that if we hold on together strong, that we can get through things,” says Hubbard.

“My friend Brad Bogdan, who is a videographer, I asked if he was willing to help out making the video, and then I contacted another local artist, James Oldenburg, to do the guitar part, and together we collaborated and came up with this idea.”

With many homes around the city sporting signs of support and inspiration for neighbours and front-line workers, she thought the video should showcase all of the positive messages and family bonding moments that should be appreciated during this time.

“I told Brad what I was thinking and what I wanted, so I talked to people and arranged times to film some of it, and then he used his creativity to film different ways and then he went about by himself around town to film houses with uplifting messages or images in the window,” says Hubbard.

“I thought it was beautiful. I was hoping that it would reach a lot of people just because I thought it was what people needed right now, and I love the way that it turned out and I am happy that people are enjoying it. I’ve had a few messages from people that saw it saying that they really needed that right now and they said it was nice to take a minute and remember the good things that have happened.”

Originally nervous to release her project online, Hubbard says she has been receiving a lot of positive feedback for her efforts in producing something for people to watch, relax and think about the positivity that is being overlooked in the world right now.

“It has been great, it is always really scary to release something that you have worked really hard on and are passionate about, but everyone is in the same boat and it is good to see some good things,” says Hubbard.

“People have been saying that it is touching and helps them realize that even though it has been really hard, there have been some really unique experiences that we have been able to see the good in people come out, and give services in different ways. I hope that it is a little ray of sunshine for people to take a couple of minutes and take a break from sharing all of the reality that has been going on, and really take away some positive vibes from it.”

What started out as a simple initiative to spark some joy in the community has turned into a collaborative effort to showcase the unique experience people are living, as well as the amount of support Lethbridge has for one another. Hubbard’s music video “Hold on Together” is available to watch on her and Brad Bogdan Media’s Facebook page at

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