January 10th, 2025

Upgrades approved for prison

By Jensen, Randy on June 1, 2020.

Lethbridge Herald

The province will be giving $3.3 million in maintenance grants to enhance security features at the Lethbridge Correctional Centre.

The money, previously allotted in April’s provincial budget through the $1.9-billion Capital Maintenance and Renewal Community Infrastructure Plan (CMR) fund, was confirmed last Friday by Taber-Warner MLA and Associate Minister for Red Tape Reduction Grant Hunter.

The $3.3 million is made up of two grants. The province will spend $1.5 million for security door control upgrades on the correctional centre’s holding cells throughout the building. The other $1.8 million will be spent on installing an upgraded video security system.

In a statement released to the media Hunter said his government is committed to getting Albertans back to work by providing the funding for nearly $2 billion in capital projects through the CMR.

“I am glad for the work Minister (of Infrastructure Prasad) Panda has put in to getting these projects actioned quickly so we can keep companies operating and Albertans working in southern Alberta,” says Hunter.

Reeve Lorne Hickey of Lethbridge County also welcomed the infrastructure funding announcement in the same media release.

“The upgrades to the correctional centre down here in Lethbridge County are an exciting change,” he says, “especially for the staff and people who live in the surrounding areas. Bringing this technology up to date will help make people feel more safe and secure.”

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Citi Zen

Perhaps the money would be better spent by adding additional cells. Maybe a way to alleviate the revolving door justice issues, as the prisons have overcrowding problems.

Seth Anthony

“Bringing this technology up to date will help make people feel more safe and secure.”


So let me get this straight. According to Mr. Hickey, new door locks and camera upgrades are going to “make people feel more safe and secure”.


Go ask random people if those upgrades would make them feel safe and secure. You would be laughed at.

What would make people feel safe and secure, is not letting repeat offenders out of prison to continuously victimize others.

Dennis Bremner

It is possible that the Drug Addicts of Lethbridge who are doing their best to get into the Prison are now attempting to break in and hence the need for more Cameras? The Prison must prevent them from getting in without a fair trial which will be held sometime in the next 4 years. This is a message from the Prison, “NO ONE” gets in that has broken the law until they are condemned by a Court of Law no matter HOW MANY TIMES you commit a crime, catch and release is “irrelevant” wait your turn!