March 6th, 2025

COVID-19 testing available for all Albertans

By Lethbridge Herald on June 2, 2020.

Alberta Health Services – Public Service Announcement

Lethbridge – All Albertans are now eligible for COVID-19 testing, whether experiencing symptoms, or not.
Offered by appointment and free-of-charge at 12 AHS assessment centre locations around the South Zone, testing is easily booked online by visiting  If internet is not available to you, you can instead call 811, and 811 staff will book a test appointment for you.
Testing, which is done via swabbing of the throat, will tell you whether you had COVID-19 at the time your swab is taken, even if you were not showing symptoms at that time. Testing will not tell you whether you have previously had COVID-19. It will also not tell you whether you have any immunity to COVID-19.
Results will be provided to all Albertans, by phone, within a few days of the swabbing appointment. 
Regardless of your test results, it is important to continue to follow the public health measures and recommendations in place, to reduce spread of COVID-19.
Anyone who tests positive for COVID-19 is legally required to self-isolate. The isolation period is for 10 days from the start of symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer. If you do not have symptoms but do test positive, you must still self-isolate for 10 days from day of test. If you develop symptoms within that 10 days, you must self-isolate until symptoms disappear or for 10 days from symptom onset, whichever is longer. For details on legally required self-isolation, visit:
Expanded testing is an important part of the effort to contain COVID-19 in Alberta. The testing will provide a clearer picture of how well Alberta’s public health measures are working to contain COVID-19. This information is important to help guide further progress in Alberta’s relaunch.
To access the full scope of locations at which you can book your testing appointment, and to learn more, visit, complete the online assessment, and book your appointment today.

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