January 10th, 2025

City awards grants to eight non-profit groups

By Jensen, Randy on June 3, 2020.


City council awarded grants to financially assist capital enhancement projects for eight local non-profit groups and their community-use facilities on Monday.

The recipients of the annual Community Capital Project Grant (CCPG) this year include local organizations involved in seniors, youth, recreation and cultural activities.

The approved CCPG total this year is $377,958.81, funded by the program’s annual $450,000 budget. Individual grants range from approximately $7,000 to $100,000 and will go toward projects with a combined total value of approximately $1.2 million.

“This grant program continues to be very successful in supporting local non-profit groups to complete capital projects that create more opportunities and increase accessibility for their members and the community,” said Mayor Chris Spearman in a news release. “Council also understands there are financial stresses caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and we believe it is important to balance fiscal responsibility with helping to move the economy forward through local job creation.”

The CCPG program allows local not-for-profits to undertake capital projects with funding support of up to one-third of the total project cost, up to a maximum of $200,000. Organizations are eligible to apply every two years.

The program was established by the City in 2004 to support not-for-profit societies’ ability to expand and upgrade community-use facilities, as well as strengthen their capacity to provide services for their members and the broader community.

The City’s annual federal GST rebates, as well as money returned to the program through completed, under-expended and cancelled projects from past years, are used to fund the program.

Groups receiving Community Capital Project Grant include: Lethbridge Minor Hockey, $100,000; Lethbridge Minor Softball Club , $70,000; Lethbridge & Region Community Housing Corporation, $66,000; Elim Society for Senior Citizens Care, $65,893.33; Lethbridge Community Bingo Association, $23,404.35; Southern Alberta Ethnic Association, $22,845.40; Nord-bridge Senior Citizens Association, $22,684.70; and Lethbridge Disc Golf Association, $7,131.03.

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