March 6th, 2025

Kidney walk goes ahead Sunday

By Yoos, Cam on June 3, 2020.

Greg Bobinec

Lethbridge Herald

The Kidney Foundation will change its annual gathering to encourage a simultaneous “Walk the Block” in Western Canadian communities to celebrate The Kidney Foundation’s Kidney Walk on Sunday at 10 a.m.

For the last nine years, people in Lethbridge and Medicine Hat have been lacing up for the Kidney walk to raise funds and awareness to support the kidney and transplant community. This year, despite the challenging times, participants have stepped up in a way like never before on behalf of kidney patients, the foundation noted in a news release.

“Kidney Walk is such an important event in my life and my family’s life,” says Elliot Rose, Kidney Walk honourary chair.

“My journey with kidney disease began when I started university. I’ve been on dialysis and was fortunate to receive a kidney from my uncle who stepped up to be a living donor. Now, I passionately do all that I can to support the cause of kidney health. The incredible work the Kidney Foundation does is why I’m so honoured to be taking part.”

Kidney Walk brings communities together with patients, their friends and families, health-care workers and researchers to honour, celebrate and advocate for everyone impacted by kidney disease and organ transplantation. While this year’s Kidney Walk community won’t physically be together, the celebration will go online via Facebook Live and YouTube.

“The Kidney and transplant community is a strong and resilient group of people and so are their families, friends and supporters,” says Joyce Van Deurzen, executive director for Southern Alberta and Saskatchewan branches.

“We are looking forward to this year’s virtual Kidney Walk and continuing to make a positive impact on the lives of kidney patients.”

By encouraging people to register for the online event and walk their blocks on Sunday, participants can still be part of a virtual community of support and continue to celebrate, while adhering to provincial health directives. For more information on this year’s Kidney Walk, to register or to donate, visit

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