March 6th, 2025

Another successful year for We Create Change

By Sulz, Dave on June 4, 2020.


COALDALE – The 2019-20 We Create Change (WCC) group at Kate Andrews High School enjoyed another very successful year of supporting local and global causes.

Even with a shortened school year due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the WCC group at Kate Andrews High School (KAHS) was able to raise more than $2,500, with the money going to support local organizations in need as well as some projects in the “WE” Global Villages program in the areas of education and health care.

Over the last eight years at KAHS the We Create Change group has been extremely successful in helping local and global causes. Funds were raised through a variety of means including: bake sales; collecting bottles and cans; running a concession for tournaments; offering up “WE WEDS” hot lunches; or through the generous donations of community members.

Teachers Mike Gibson and Annalee Hamilton, We Create Change co-ordinators at the school, would like to thank the students, staff and community members who help every day to “Be the change they wish to see in the world.”

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