January 10th, 2025

‘Black Lives Matter’ protest makes a return downtown

By Yoos, Cam on June 8, 2020.

Herald photo by Greg Bobinec - Dominique Charles leads a group of protesters during a 'Black Lives Matter' demonstration this weekend at city hall. @GBobinecHerald

Greg Bobinec

Lethbridge Herald


The Black Lives Matter protests in Lethbridge continued for a second day in front of Lethbridge city hall on Saturday, where not only the community continued to show its support in solidarity with the movement, but the true colours of the city pushed through.

Following Thursday’s protests, organizers wanted to keep the momentum going, because the Black Lives Matter movement isn’t a single-day problem, but decades of repressed anger, bigotry and racism.

“Originally, I didn’t know about the first protest on Thursday, I just created this while I was at work because I thought that we really needed to share our voice and show our support for our brothers and sisters who are dying right now,” says Joy Warren, protest organizer.

“My little brother, he is black, I am an adopted kid myself, and we have gone through struggles together. I have defended my brother and others because of racism, but Lethbridge needs to know that this is not just one day, it’s not just one protest, we need to show that there is support no matter what.”

Many people of colour in Lethbridge have been sharing their stories of macro and micro aggressions from law enforcement officers and other community members, saying enough is enough. Protesters also shared how the phrase “all lives matter” diminishes the strength and unity of the “Black Lives Matter” movement, as it shows that those individuals don’t care about their repression and the violence and hate they have encountered.

“I have been told to go back to my hometown. I came here when I was very small so I don’t remember my hometown, this is what I know. I have been called the N-word, I have been told I can’t buy something because it looked expensive, I have been kicked out of stores because they didn’t serve us,” says activist Janet Logwe.

“When somebody tells me that all lives matter, it pushes down the fact that Black lives matter as well. If all lives mattered, why are we protesting about black lives matter? They should be joining in because if all lives matter, then black lives matter as well. People shouldn’t be mad about Black Lives Matter because we are within ‘all lives matter.'”

Many Albertans have been taken aback by Alberta UCP government officials who haven’t been supporting the movement of equality. However, some protesters took issue with Lethbridge Conservative MP Rachael Harder’s appearance Thursday, claiming she showed up to the rally to take a knee not out of respect for George Floyd and other murdered people of colour, but for a photo opportunity to press her personal beliefs on ‘all lives matter’.

“The day before the rally on Thursday, all week there was protests across Alberta, and the UCP used their platform of thousands to reach out and celebrate National Milk Day, then for Rachael Harder to show up hours after posting that for a photo-op is a complete joke and there is no respect,” says activisit Dominique Charles.

Frustrations are building over using the Black Lives Matter movement as a social media trend, and as the protest voices grow stronger, they are trying to get those who are using the movement as a platform for their own political or personal agenda to understand the negative effects of their actions.

“On Thursday, I saw people using the moment for social media clout. I thought it was stupid that they were at the event, not to support but to post photos,” says Logwe.

“Black Lives Matter is not a trend, it’s a real, serious situation that we are trying to get through to parliament and other people to understand that we want to have equal rights. It should not be a trend and it gets me really riled up when people show up just to take pictures.”

Politicians were not the only ones whose actions spoke louder than words as members of the Lethbridge Police Service were invited to join, or even stand in solidarity with protestors, but declined.

“I see it from all sides, but I also see the police terrorize minorities, pull and hurt homeless,” says Charles. “Right now at the rally it’s passive aggressive, but normally in the streets is aggressive. They were invited multiple times to come and join us, and only one joined in solidarity and it was the one black cop there, he raised a fist with us and the other officer signaled him to stop. Even members of The Watch drove by taunting us and laughing at our protest.”

Negativity from the ignorance of people aside, the protest on Saturday afternoon at Lethbridge city hall brought community members together to raise the voices of Black and Indigenous people everywhere, to show that a revolution has begun, and it is time that Lethbridge moves forward.

“Today has been a great day, people are showing up and supporting, and it is really amazing to see people actually caring about Black and Indigenous lives,” says Logwe. “Wake up, times have changed, we are going forward and we welcome you to join. If you want to stay behind the times, fine, stay there, we are going to make a revolution and if they don’t want to join, it’s their problem.”

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Just happened to be at that corner where they were sharing a few “f—k you’s and “up yours” at passing motorists whom they must have felt were ignoring them. The organizers should screen their protesters better. Demeans the whole idea.

Citi Zen

What about the voices of white people? There is so much hatred towards whites in downtown Lethbridge, but the “racism” word apparently only refers to persons of color? This problem will never go away until all those “politically correct ” types get this message.
I for one, am tired of people using the race card as an excuse for inappropriate deeds.


So this group wants people/politicians to come out and support them, but then bash them for being there. The whole “If you are not with us, then you are against us” take to another level. Glad it was peaceful in the end.


some protests, such as anti-war, and pollution, and anti-greed/new world order, are necessary in order to send a message to politicians that are complicit. the solution to these issues is never found in govt action (inaction), and never found in election outcomes. for this type of demonstration to have results, massive participation and assembly/takeover is required.
black lives matter, this group matters, that group matters protests strike me more as fomenting division among people – reducing us to tribes and members of special and different allegiances rather than permitting one to be a legitimate piece of the whole. we should be demonstrating for the whole, always, through our everyday actions and interactions. this will mean working through our socially conditioned weaknesses borne of lies and propaganda meant to sow our suspicions and insecurities. these types of my group matters demonstrations ultimately prove ineffective; this is due to the fact of the divide and rule principle.
the solution to discrimination is rather more simple, and the action required is to represent ourselves as legitimate members of the whole, treat one another with respect and honour the dignity of all others, and to call out anything that is discriminatory or hateful to members of the whole. so long as we stay stuck in the petty social conditioning that piques false pride, false insecurity, and renders us mere members of sundry subgroups, we will suffer from fallout consequent to sundry degrees of exclusiveness – hence, division. the universe is not division and apart, it is whole and together.


It is not beyond plausible to think that during the many protests in support of the women’s emancipation movements that numerous expletives may have been uttered by some women gathered to protest. Did this use of language by some discredit the movement overall? Or the various marches and protests in the U.S. during the Civil Rights Movement? Or the campus protests, Vietnam protests, women’s liberation protests et al? Is the reader to accept that the uttering of a few expletives by some discredits the protest en masse?

And, what about those diminshed voices of white folks? Where? When?



