March 3rd, 2025

City accepting applications for vacancies on boards, commissions

By Jensen, Randy on August 14, 2020.


Lethbridge City Council is currently accepting applications for a number of public member vacancies for boards, commissions and committees (BCCs). Each public role provides citizens with an opportunity to participate in the present and future direction of the city, through various capacities.

The Office of the City Clerk oversees board-member recruitment, appointments and training, as well as the establishment and classification of new committees, and assists Council in developing guidelines for these bodies.

The 14 current public member openings, as well as two other specific openings, include:

– Animal Welfare Committee – Vacant Position (1): Public member. The Animal Welfare Committee advises city council on projects to improve the welfare of animals in the city, including the reduction of feral cat colonies in the city and the spay/neuter program of the No Kill Alliance (NOKA).

– Assessment Review Board – Vacant Position (1): Public member. The Assessment Review Board is a semi-judicial body established in accordance with section 454 of the Municipal Government Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. M-26. This body is established to field appeals to the assessed values of properties and other items taxed by the City of Lethbridge.

– Galt Museum Board – Vacant Positions (3): Public members. The Galt Museum & Archives aims to educate our communities, preserve city histories, and develop a culture of progress and growth. The museum’s board of directors is appointed by city council to set objectives and operating policies, ensuring the public has a say in how its space is used.

– Heart of Our City Committee – Vacant Positions (2): Public members. The Heart of Our City Committee champions the revitalization of Downtown Lethbridge through implementation of the Heart of Our City Master Plan, and to provide strategic leadership in this regard. The committee makes recommendations to council on planning and development matters; monitors planning and development applications; advises on business planning pertaining to Downtown Revitalization.

– Historic Places Advisory Committee – Vacant Position (1): Public member, but needs expertise as an archeologist/traditional Indigenous land use expert. The Historic Places Advisory Committee evaluates and makes recommendations to city council regarding the potential designation of historical properties.

– Lethbridge Downtown Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ) board – Vacant Position (1): Citizen at large (must be nominated by one or more taxpayers in the zone). The Downtown BRZ board represents and administers the Downtown Business Revitalization Zone. Some responsibilities of the board include advising and overseeing improvements, beautifying and maintenance of property; development, improvements and maintenance of public parking; and promoting the zone as a business or shopping area.

– Lethbridge Library Board – Vacant Positions (2): Public members. The Lethbridge Library Board is a policy-governed board which advocates for exemplary library services within the City of Lethbridge. The board establishes a plan of service, approves board policies, prepares budgets, and employs the chief executive officer who manages the library in accordance with the board’s strategic initiatives, agreements and policies.

– Lethbridge Police Commission – Vacant Positions (2): Public members. The Lethbridge Police Commission is a statutory body created under the Alberta Police Act to oversee the Lethbridge Police Service. The commission has the following responsibilities: appointing the Chief of Police and evaluating their performance; establishing policies that provide for efficient and effective policing; issuing instructions as necessary to the chief in regard to policy; ensuring a sufficient level of personnel to carry out the functions of the Police Service; and representing the interests and concerns of the public.

– Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee – Vacant Positions (2): Public members. The Reconciliation Lethbridge Advisory Committee will act as an advisory committee to city council on issues relating to reconciliation. The committee will champion the Reconciliation Implementation Plan, promote mutual understanding and support of urban Indigenous populations and the municipality’s relationship with the Blackfoot Confederacy.

– Youth Advisory Council – Vacant Position (1): Holy Spirit Catholic School Division Representative (must be over 15 years of age). The Youth Advisory Council exists to foster a relationship between Lethbridge City Council and the youth of the City of Lethbridge through advocacy, education and engagement.

Refer to the list of boards, commissions and committees on the City website for more information on eligibility, length of term, meetings times, etc. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the Office of the City Clerk at 403-320-3019, email:, or view the application form online at

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