March 3rd, 2025

City offers ways to keep cool during heat wave

By Jensen, Randy on August 18, 2020.

Six-year-old Brax Robinson is all smiles as he splashes down at the end of a waterslide on a hot sunny day at Henderson Pool. Herald photo by Ian Martens @IMartensHerald


With a heat warning issued for much of the week for Lethbridge, residents and visitors are encouraged to find ways to stay cool.

Although the COVID-19 pandemic has changed some of the protocols this summer, City pools and spray parks are ideal places to cool off, the City said in a news release. However, visitation times need to be booked in advance at pools. More information is available at

In addition, locations such as Casa, the Galt Museum, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, the Helen Schuler Nature Centre and both branches of the Lethbridge Public Library are great places to stop in and cool off. Visitors are reminded to follow current public health protocols, including mandatory face coverings in public spaces at City of Lethbridge facilities.

While heat can put anyone at risk from heat illnesses, health risks are greatest for older adults, infants and young children and people with chronic illnesses. For more information on heat-related illness visit or call Health Link Alberta at 811.

The City is also offering these hot weather tips:

– Drink plenty of liquids especially water before you feel thirsty to decrease your risk of dehydration;

– Frequently visit neighbours, friends and older family members, especially those who are chronically ill, to make sure that they are cool and hydrated;

– Reschedule or plan outdoor activities during cooler parts of the day;

– Take a break from the heat by spending a few hours in a cool place; and

– Never leave people or pets inside a parked vehicle or in direct sunlight.

Lethbridge residents can also help the power grid and their electricity bills by conserving energy. Residents are encouraged to try to keep their use to one major appliance at a time, when possible. Peak hours are between 4 p.m. and 7 p.m., so residents are encouraged to delay using major appliances to non-peak hours, when possible.

Lethbridge Fire and Emergency Services reminds residents to be extra cautious and fire smart when enjoying the river valley.

A fire ban that prohibits any open fires in the city’s river valley is still active. This includes the use of fire pits and camp stoves in the river bottom.

A lengthy stretch of dry, hot weather has created a high risk of possible grass fires. Residents are asked to be diligent in respecting the fire ban and to refrain from smoking in the river bottom to minimize the risk.

Lethbridge County has also issued a fire ban on all open fires within its municipal boundaries. The fire ban excludes fires which are contained in cooking or heating appliances fuelled by fluids or gasses (gas or propane-fuelled fire rings, barbecues, stoves, and heaters).

All active fire permits are cancelled and no new permits will be issued until further notice. It is an offence to ignite or allow a fire to burn under a fire ban, and fines apply under Lethbridge County Fire Ban Bylaw #1423.

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