By Jensen, Randy on September 1, 2020.
Starting today, with limitations, spectators will be permitted in City of Lethbridge arenas, the City announced in a news release.
A maximum of 50 spectators will be permitted for each ice session. Spectators must wear a mask at all times inside the arena facilities and maintain social distancing where possible. In order to follow required public health measures, spectators will be assigned rotating zones for each session so the unused area can be cleaned. Please follow directional signage and direction from staff regarding exiting of the building upon the completion of the session.
The ice arenas at ATB Centre and Nicholas Sheran are currently open for booking by organizations or established groups. The remaining arenas are tentatively scheduled to reopen: Sept. 8, Logan Boulet Arena; Sept. 21, Labor Club Ice Centre; Sept. 25, Civic Ice Centre; and Sept. 26, Henderson Ice Centre
Public skating is expected to resume in October and schedules will be posted on by early September.
All residents must still comply with the COVID-19 public health orders in place including gathering restrictions and maintaining physical distancing of two metres between individuals not from the same household. Those who are sick or have symptoms related to COVID-19 must not use any public amenities.
Bylaw #6239 – Temporary Mandatory Face Coverings requires that a person must wear a face covering at all times while in an indoor, enclosed or substantially enclosed public place or in a public vehicle. Exemptions include children under two years of age, or persons with an underlying medical condition or disability which inhibits their ability to wear a face covering.
Safety of staff and all residents is the number-one priority. For the complete parent and spectator guidelines for city arenas, visit
For more information on the City of Lethbridge response to COVID-19, visit