By Shurtz, Delon on September 11, 2020.
Delon Shurtz
lethbridge herald
Kathryn Roome was high on drugs when she broke into a Lethbridge home in August, but that doesn’t excuse her criminal actions, a judge told her Thursday during a sentencing hearing in provincial court.
“It doesn’t diminish one bit the trauma it causes people,” Judge Gregory Maxwell told Kathryn Roome.
Roome, 30, broke into a home on Lakeview Drive South Aug. 4 by smashing open the back door. She then entered the residence and simply sat on a couch in the living room until police arrived.
Crown Prosecutor Bruce Ainscough told court the woman used to live in the home, and mumbled something about breaking into the house to put out a fire. She was, Ainscough added, extremely high on drugs, likely methamphetamine.
Roome was belligerent when police arrested her and she was, as police quickly discovered, wanted on outstanding warrants. She was also on probation at the time for unrelated offences.
Lethbridge lawyer Claudia Connolly pointed out Roome has severe addictions and wasn’t thinking straight when she broke into the home, which caused about $1,500 in damage.
Maxwell accepted a joint recommendation from the Crown and defence for a 90-day jail sentence, and gave her credit for the equivalent of 57 days she had spent in custody since her arrest, leaving her with 33 days to serve.
The judge noted that were it not for the “fair” sentence recommended by the Crown and defence, Roome would likely serve a much longer sentence.
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