March 1st, 2025

Nicholas Sheran pool to reopen on Monday

By Lethbridge Herald on September 19, 2020.


Nicholas Sheran Pool will be reopening to the public on Monday.

Registration for swimming lessons at Nicholas Sheran will begin on Tuesday with class options and registration information found at

As guidelines continue to be updated by the Government of Alberta, changes continue to be made at all pools managed by Recreation Excellence, including:

Change rooms are now open before and after swims but physical distancing must be maintained and masks must be worn while in the change room area.;

There will be a limited number of lockers available for use;

Showers will only be available as you enter the pool. You are asked to refrain from showering after your swim;

Hot tubs and saunas are open with capacity limits;

Public swims are no longer required to pre-book their swim time. Limited swims such as lane swimming and fitness classes still must register online;

Masks must be worn by patrons in common areas in the facility; and

Spectator areas remain closed. Plans to reopen Fritz Sick Pool are underway and it is currently targeted to reopen in late October.

All residents must still comply with the COVID-19 public health orders in place including gathering restrictions and maintaining physical distancing of two metres between individuals not from the same household. Those who are sick or have symptoms related to COVID-19 must not use any public amenities.

Bylaw 6239 — Temporary Mandatory Face Coverings requires that a person must wear a face covering at all times while in an indoor, enclosed or substantially enclosed public place or in a public vehicle. Exemptions include children under two years of age, or persons with an underlying medical condition or disability which inhibits their ability to wear a face covering.

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