March 1st, 2025

City kicks off Fall Leaf Collection Program

By Herald on October 2, 2020.

Yard bags sit on display behind a truck as environmental initiatives co-ordinator Gordon Prest waits to start an announcement on the City's Fall Leaf Collection Program. Herald photo by Ian Martens @IMartensHerald

Lethbridge Herald
As if residents needed another reminder of the changing season, the City of Lethbridge announced the kickoff to its Fall Leaf Collection Program on Thursday.
From now until Nov. 13 residents will have an opportunity to book up to two appointments for leaf collection through the City’s 311 Call Centre.
“This year you need to call 311 to get your collection,” confirmed Gordon Prest, environmental initiatives co-ordinator with the City of Lethbridge’s Waste and Recycling Department. “In the past we drove through the city, but to create a little more efficiency now you need to call in and make an appointment. We ask you to bag your leaves and put them out at your regular garbage (collection) location about 24 hours before your collection date. Make sure they are in paper bags so they can all be composted. There is no limit on bags. If you have five bags or 50 bags — we will take them all.”
Each bag must not exceed 25 pounds (10 kilograms), Prest stated, and lawn clippings should not be included in the bags, he said: just leaves and small twigs.
In conjunction with the Residential Fall Leaf Collection Program pickup service, Prest confirmed the City’s Yard Waste Sites are now open seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily through Nov. 30.
For more information on the Fall Leaf Collection Program visit or call 311.

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