March 1st, 2025

United Way accepting applications for ECSF

By Lethbridge Herald on October 7, 2020.


United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta is accepting funding applications for the second round of the Emergency Community Support Fund (ECSF) from Oct. 5 to Oct. 30. 

The fund continues to provide financial support to charities and other qualified donees adapting their frontline services to support vulnerable Canadians during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The first round of the Government of Canada’s $350-million fund was administered in collaboration with United Way Centraide Canada, Community Foundations of Canada and the Canadian Red Cross, and supported community programs helping vulnerable people during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Government of Canada has released the remaining balance of the fund, which the three intermediaries will once again distribute in local communities across the country.

United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta is proud to support this important additional investment of $163,423 into our local communities, the United Way said in a news release. 

Charities and non-profit organizations are at the heart of our communities, helping the most vulnerable Canadians during the COVID-19 crisis. The Government of Canada is pleased to support these organizations through the Emergency Community Support Fund so that they can continue their invaluable work,” said Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development.

Danielle Davids, United Way of Lethbridge & South Western Alberta board chair, said this next round of funding will go a long way in supporting people in the region.

The second round of funding will help us ensure that we can reach more organizations and programs addressing COVID-19,” she said. “Everyone has been affected in one way or another, and working together will get us through it.”

Application forms and additional information are available now at The deadline for charities and qualified donees to apply is Oct. 30.

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