February 28th, 2025

Santa Claus Parade cancelled

By Herald on November 20, 2020.

Santa Claus greets the hundreds of children filling the streets of Fort Macleod for last year's Santa Claus Parade. Herald file photo by Greg Bobinec @GBobinecHerald

The 39th annual Fort Macleod Santa Claus Parade has been cancelled for this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“After all the cancelled events and activities we have endured this year, I had high hopes that we were going to be able to pull this off and provide some normalcy to our community,” said parade co-ordinator Ashley Nelson in a post on Facebook. “A lot of work, planning and thought had gone into this event to ensure that it followed the provincial guidelines regarding the pandemic situation, thinking outside the box to allow for this fun tradition to continue and bring some much-needed Christmas cheer. But, unfortunately, with the increasing cases of COVID-19 in our municipality, as well as the enhanced gathering restrictions and guidelines that our area is now under, we can’t in good conscience risk the spread of the infection and safety in our community.”
The committee received generous donations of candy for the treat bags for children and the committee is planning to have Santa make a socially distanced stop at local regional schools to deliver goodies to children.
“Thank you to everyone who had registered and were planning what I know would have been some fantastic floats,” added Nelson. “I completely understand and empathize with the disappointment we all feel to be unable to attend our Santa Claus Parade as we do each year with our families and friends.
“We do love our Hollywood Christmas theme, though, and plan to carry that forward to next year’s parade, so save those ideas and join us on Saturday, Nov. 27, 2021 at 11 a.m.”

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