February 27th, 2025

SAAG to host virtual launch of ‘Daughters of Uranium’

By Greg Bobinec on December 10, 2020.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDgbobinec@lethbridgeherald.com

The Southern Alberta Art Gallery will be hosting a virtual launch of the exhibition catalogue for “Daughters of Uranium” by Mary Kavanagh today at 5 p.m.
Guests are invited to join the SAAG for a conversation with Kavanagh and authors Christina Cuthbertson, Lindsey Sharman and Jayne Wilkinson to talk about the gallery experience, as well as the new publication.
“Daughters of Uranium” explores the legacies of nuclear production, cultures of militarization and ecological end times. Direct from the chemical sciences, the term “daughters of uranium” refers to the radioactive decay of naturally occurring uranium, while evoking generations born into an uncertain future.
“Kavanagh’s approach is unique in the visual records of the atomic era,” says Wilkinson, co-author, in a news release. “Her work frames a critique of militarism and military aesthetics through encounter and touch in order to understand how war impacts the body through generational histories.”
In conjunction with the exhibition, “Daughters of Uranium (2019-2020),” the publication brings together documentation, projections, archives and field work, along with contributions from distinguished curators and scholars.
Kavanagh received grants from the Canada Council for the Arts and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts in 2017. She was awarded an Insight Research Creation Grant from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). Her project received nearly $150,000 in funding over four years to support fieldwork, mentor graduate students and access the equipment and infrastructure needed to conduct the research.
The live book launch event will be hosted online over Zoom. Guests will be able to receive a 20-per-cent discount on the book, and can find more info about the event and about Kavanagh’s Daughters of Uranium through saag.ca, or by emailing info@saag.ca.

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