December 21st, 2024

Woman sentenced for spitting on security officer

By Delon Shurtz on December 16, 2020.


A woman sentenced earlier this month to 45 days in jail for breaking into motor vehicles will serve another 30 days for spitting in the face of a security officer.
Peggy Ann Holy Singer was sentenced Tuesday in Lethbridge provincial court after she pleaded guilty to one count each of assault and drug possession.
Court was told Holy Singer, 27, was chasing a woman toward the former supervised consumption site last August when she was stopped by security officers just outside the building. Officers got between Holy Singer and the other woman, but when the doors to the building were unlocked and the woman ran inside, Holy Singer chased after her.
She was restrained by officers, but managed to grab the woman’s sweater and began tugging at it. She then became angry at one of the security officers as he tried to separate the two women and spit in his face.
Crown Prosecutor Bruce Ainscough said the officer was wearing a mask, but it slid down during the struggle and the spit went into his mouth.
Police arrived and arrested Holy Singer, who said she had hepatitis C. She and the security officer were taken to the hospital where Holy Singer had blood tests and the officer was treated. During her arrest, police found her in possession of a small amount of fentanyl.
Holy Singer was sentenced to three days in custody for drug possession, which will run concurrently with the 30-day sentence for assault. Both sentences will run consecutively with the remainder of the 45-day sentence she received Dec. 8.
Holy Singer returns to court next Tuesday to address several other charges.

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She will probably get out in a week, and the security will have to live in fear of HIV/AIDS or Hep C manifesting within a few years.
This happens often, even police are spit on, but police have more powers than a security guard, who has to call for police, then wait for an hour for them to respond. When we have to depend on security to help protect law abiding citizens there needs to be a deterent . . . one that actually sends a loud and clear message, that if you assault a guard (or police/EMS) there are serious consequences!
When will we stop allowing the homeless and addicts from “running” our city, our streets, our neighbourhoods and with no deterents.
How many were recently purged from jails to hit our streets due to COVID and now wander around not following any of the COVID restrictions/laws put in place, with impunity? They have free reign . . . our city does nothing!
Security needs to be better protected by our laws!
Many are not aware that many of the homeless and addicts have Hep C, HIV/AIDS, not to mention other communicable diseases and are all over the downtown core, using the facilities!
Why are they allowed to do this in our when they are not allowed to act like this on FN communities . . . .??
Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t need security to augment the protection of people and property in this city? . . . But we do . . . and the people that stand in harms way daily, need to be supported better by laws . . . we need to do better and this sentence handed out is a joke!
Where is the JUSTICE?