February 26th, 2025

Blood Tribe sees sharp rise in COVID-19 cases; additional measures enacted

By Herald on January 18, 2021.

The Blood Tribe has enacted new safety measures as it deals with a sharp rise in COVID-19 numbers, as over the past two weeks reported active case numbers have risen from three up to 78 as of Saturday, with 4 people in hospital.

“We have now made additional council decisions and measures towards the total safety of our membership from the virus and we have instructed our officials to enforce those safety rules and standards,” says Chief Roy Fox in a press release. 

Travel is restricted to essential reasons only; all social gatherings, events and private wakes have been banned; and members must restrict contact to their own family cohorts. A mandatory masking mandate remains in place, along with the standard health precautions such as physical distancing.

The Kainai Board of Education has been notified that a number of employees at the central office have tested positive. Schools are to continue with online learning until further notice.

“It is with all sincerity and empathy that we are informing you, our membership, about the importance of following the safety precautions that we have established and the necessity of enacting additional rules towards everyone’s safety. We require everyone’s co-operation and help in combating this dangerous virus, and we need to look after the total safety of Kainai/Blood Tribe,” said Fox.

More information on health restrictions are available through the Blood Tribe website.

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