February 5th, 2025

City pharmacy OKed to dispense Moderna vaccine

By Lethbridge Herald on March 11, 2021.

Herald photo by Dale Woodard Pharmacist Vishal Sukhadiya will be ready to adminster COVID-19 vaccinations starting Monday for those 65 years of age and older.

Dale Woodard
Lethbridge Herald
Local vaccinations for those aged 65 to 74 just got a a shot in the arm.
The Medicine Shoppe, located at 1016a 20th St. South, is one of the pharmacies selected by Alberta Health to provide the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to seniors above the age of 65 to 74 starting next week.
With the vaccines slated to arrive next week — specific dates weren’t confirmed as of Thursday — Medicine Shoppe pharmacist and owner and Vishal Sukhadiya is encouraging those in that age range to get their names in as soon as possible with the pharmacy located around the corner from Chinook Regional Hospital ready to dole out at least 300 doses a week.
The Medicine Shoppe’s work during flu season as well as the COVID tests they offered last summer made them a candidate to dole out the vaccines.
“They chose pharmacies on how many flu shots they had done last year, especially for this age group, and in what time frame,” said Sukhadiya. “They chose most pharmacies based on if they could keep up with big crowds in a day or so. Initially, we were doing about 150 to almost 200 shots a day. So that’s how they chose most pharmacies based on that criteria.
“Last year we did 1,200 flu shots in flu season. So 300 doses in a week. And for the flu shots, we included everybody. Now we are only focusing on the criteria between 65 and 74 years of age. I think we have plenty.”
Sukhadiya encouraged those in the specific age range to sign up by calling The Medicine Shoppe, visiting the pharmacy’s Facebook page or by signing up on their website.
“We’re taking names for patients who are willing to get the shot next week because we want to have all 300 names ready to go when we get the vaccination next week and we want to get it out right away. That’s what our goal is.”
Sukhadiya was also hopeful the The Medicine Shoppe will be able to vaccinate other ages groups once the 65-plus group is taken care of.
“It will be likely they’ll open up more phases within a couple weeks. Because in two weeks I think we’ll be able to vaccinate all 65-plus.”
Last summer, The Medicine Shoppe offered free COVID tests beginning in early-July as part of a provincial pilot project involving 25 pharmacies across Alberta.
Sukhadiya said they’ll use the same format for booking vaccination appointments next week.
“We will have our appointments available on all platforms like we did with the COVID tests. We had great success with that. We had online appointments through the website and Facebook and Instagram and by calling here, too.
“We’re taking the first 300 names for the next week. So if it shows up Monday morning we’ll start Monday morning and get it done on Wednesday or Thursday. That’s how we’re looking into it.”
Those wanting to book an appointment by phone can call The Medicine Shoppe at (403) 380-3282 or visit their Facebook page at https://m.facebook.com/THEMEDICINESHOPPELETHBRIDGE.
The Medicine Shoppe also offers bookings on their website at http://www.medicineshoppebyhospital.ca.
Family and friends can also book someone if need be, said Sukhadiya.
“They don’t necessarily have to call themselves, but when they come in they have to bring their Alberta Health card and a piece of ID,” said Sukhadiya. adding there are plenty of doses.
“We’ll be able to cover every single person within two weeks time, I would say.”
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