February 28th, 2025

Herald retracts inaccurate information in story

By Lethbridge Herald on March 17, 2021.

The Lethbridge Police Service has suspended five employees with pay pending a professional misconduct hearing which falls under the Police Service Regulation and Police Act.
The LPS made the suspension announcement on Monday.
The names of the suspended employees were not released.
The LPS also confirmed the force would hold public hearings when the case gets to that stage.
The 2018 incident has been referred to an outside agency for investigation and outside legal counsel has been retained to prosecute the misconduct charges, the LPS stated.
The original article “Police service suspends five” by Tim Kalinowski on the front page of the March 16 edition of The Lethbridge Herald contained several inaccuracies.
Deputy Chief Scott Woods, named in the article, has not been suspended and a civilian employee was not involved.
The suspension of the officers also has no association with eight 2018 incidents involving the alleged access of personal records related to Lethbridge West MLA Shannon Phillips.
ASIRT, noted as an outside agency in the article, is reviewing the Phillips’ investigation, and is not involved with this matter.
The Herald apologizes for the inaccuracies and any confusion this may have caused.

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