February 5th, 2025

Jenn Schmidt-Rempel: Council candidate running on a multi-pillar platform

By Al Beeber on June 4, 2021.

Jenn Schmidt-Rempel has announced her candidacy for Lethbridge city council. Herald photo by Al Beeber

LETHBRIDGE HERALDabeeber@lethbridgeherald.com

Jenn Schmidt-Rempel is taking her community involvement to a new level with a run for Lethbridge City Council this fall.
Schmidt-Rempel announced her candidacy Thursday morning at Henderson Lake.
A Claresholm native who except for a stint at grad school in Regina, stayed in Lethbridge after coming here to attend university in 1988, she presently sits on the Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors and the City of Lethbridge’s subdivision and development appeal board. She’s also a patient//family advisor in the South Zone for Alberta Health Services.
She’s previously served as board chair for both Economic Development Lethbridge and the Allied Arts Council.
Schmidt-Rempel was owner, publisher and editor of Lethbridge Living Magazine for 10 years before she and her husband sold it and now works at the Lethbridge Public Library as its manager of marketing and social media.
Schmidt-Rempel is running on a platform with four “pillars” which will be rolled out in coming months.
Those pillars include service, business, community and people components, said Schmidt-Rempel.
“We’ll roll it out over the summer so it’s going to start rolling out next week and the week after, and we’ll roll it out through nomination date so the whole platform should be released by then.”
Schmidt-Rempel touched briefly on the components of her platform before other media arrived for her press conference.
“Around people, we want to make sure everybody has a place in our community so we’re focusing on that,” she said.
For services, “we know the city is facing some immediate challenges and there’s going to have be some hard discussions to make about service delivery over the next few years so we’re looking at some points around that.”
Schmidt-Rempel said she feels she is the best candidate to ask tough questions about city services given her skills, knowledge and ability.
In terms of the business community, Schmidt-Rempel says a priority is “making sure we’re supporting our local businesses particularly out of COVID and …. also making sure we’re looking at business retention and attraction.”
“So making sure we’re doing some out of the box thinking about what our businesses need and what we need to do to attract business to our city.”
On the subject of community, Schmidt-Rempel is also interested in looking at “our natural spaces and how we’re taking care of our community as a whole” to ensure the community is a healthy one.
“We all want what’s best for this city we call home as we continue to ensure that it is an attractive and healthy place for people to live, work and play.”
Schmidt-Rempel says she thinks a performing arts centre is an important project for the city but “I think it depends on how we approach that and how we look at what our future city planning looks like and that is certainly part of that. That performing arts centre is certainly part of that but there are other components that need to happen.”

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