March 4th, 2025

City preparing supports for heatwave

By Herald on July 15, 2021.

A woman with a shade umbrella stands under a shower of water as she cools off in the Rotary Centennial Fountain Thursday afternoon at Galt Gardens. Herald photo Ian Martens

As the week-long weather forecast calls for temperatures in the mid 30’s, the City of Lethbridge is sharing tips to help residents beat the heat and stay safe.

Heat waves cause an increase in heat-related illness, enhance drought conditions and can cause a significant long-term draw on power. Residents are encouraged to be mindful of the use of electric appliances and keep air-conditioning units at a moderate temperature to help prevent overloading the power grid.

Residents can stay cool and safe during the expected high temperatures by staying hydrated, take plenty of breaks if outside, wear light, loose clothing and avoid peak heat hours outdoors.

Be aware of dry conditions and increased fire risk. There is still a fire ban in place in the river bottom. Residents are reminded to be cautious if smoking in the river valley and dispose of smoking materials properly or avoid smoking in the area all together.

Residents are also reminded the vulnerable members of our community are likely most at-risk during extreme temperatures without access to shelter. Steps taken by the City and the Lethbridge Helping Organizations Coalition, made up of local social service organizations, have been proactive in preparation for the hot weather.

The Park ‘n’ Ride Transit Terminal is available with air conditioning and washrooms, as are both Library branches. Galt Gardens fountain and Gyro spray park are open until evening hours.

The Animal Shelter is making space available for the pets of vulnerable people who need protection from the extreme heat over the next week.

Streets Alive Mission, Lethbridge Food Bank, My City Care, Sage Clan, Food Share and the Interfaith Food Bank have approximately 40,000 water bottles stored. Water is also available at the Lethbridge Shelter and Overdose Prevention Site Mobile Unit.

The City of Lethbridge Emergency Coordination Centre is aware and preparing for the heat wave. The Emergency Social Service team will be on standby to respond should it be required.


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