March 6th, 2025

FCSS and Big Brothers Big Sisters joining forces on fundraiser

By Garrett Simmons - FCSS Communications on September 16, 2021.

Family and Community Support Services and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lethbridge and District have always maintained a strong partnership.
Over the next few weeks, the two organizations will come together once again to raise funds and boost awareness for Big Brothers Big Sisters, highlighted by Sept. 22’s 27th annual McHappy Day at the Coaldale McDonald’s.
It all starts on Sept. 17, BIG Day takes centre stage at the Coaldale McDonald’s park lot. From 7-9 p.m., adults can come out to play games such as Jenga, Connect 4, and, of course, play in a bounce house designed for adults.
“Big kids can play big games,” said Weaver, who added FCSS hopes to attract groups and businesses to not only help raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters but also learn more about what it means to be a Big.
Wednesday, Sept. 22 will feature McHappy Day at the Coaldale McDonald’s from 7 a.m. -7 p.m. Carnival games for kids, a bounce house, raffle prizes, musician Casey Hellawell of Bow City Underground, a fire truck, tractors from Western Combine, Dance Images dance crew and the Coaldale Chalk and Walk are just some of the entertainment options available on McHappy Day.
“Alongside FCSS and Coaldale McDonald’s, we’ve worked with Big Brothers Big Sisters for them to be the recipients of the funds that come in that day,” said Weaver, who added 75 per cent of the proceeds from the day will assist in the screening and monitoring of volunteers and families to match Bigs and Littles in Coaldale. The remaining 25 percent will go towards Ronald McDonald House charities in Alberta.
Emma Hosgood, Big Brothers Big Sisters case worker, said the partnership with FCSS and McDonald’s will go a long way towards boosting services in Coaldale.
“It’s a huge fundraising event, and it’s big for us to be chosen to help us serve our rural communities,” she said. “The funds we receive mean we can focus even more on Coaldale.”
According to Hosgood, additional funds will be put to good use in the community.
“Coaldale has always been one community that has been super engaged with us,” she said, and added funds will assist her organization in offering group-based mentoring through programs such as Go Girls and Game On. “Those are run by 1-2 mentors for seven weeks with a focus on building self-esteem, confidence and building friendships.”
Hosgood highlighted another initiative that could benefit from some extra support – the teen mentoring program, where high school students are matched with elementary students in Coaldale.
Weaver added the FCSS-Big Brothers Big Sisters partnership is an important one, and McHappy Day is just another way her organization can lend a hand.
“This collaboration really showcases the FCSS commitment to help Big Brothers Big Sisters. We also have a good reputation in our communities and that helps people in those communities really trust Big Brothers Big Sisters,” she said, as Big Brothers Big Sisters continues to positively impact southern Albertans, both young and old.
“It really does have an inter-generational impact in our communities. It’s one of those things you remember for the rest of your life is that volunteer opportunity of being a Big.”
Hosgood couldn’t agree more.
“Big Brothers Big Sisters is unique because we focus on intentional mentoring. We create meaningful, long-term relationships,” she said, and added those relationships have become increasingly important as southern Albertans continue to cope with COVID-19. “Especially through this pandemic, it has been really great for Bigs and Littles to stay connected and for our Littles to have that support person in their lives.”
For more information on Big Brothers Big Sisters, including how you can get involved, contact Hosgood at, or visit
To learn more about the McHappy Day fundraisers on Sept. 17 and 22, reach out to Kaitlynn Weaver at

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